I basically knew this would happen but she has posted a response on her blog
Aria Blue which is fine but again she denies free access for response and has a rather vulgar refrain for Anne who I only know as a poster on here and I censor nobody as long as the language is reasonable.
From Aria's blog. I guess I am a troll now.
So I see this “challenge” from some trolls over at Notes from the T Side, and decided to post something there just because one of my favorite jerks, Anne, is still running around acting like the Queen of Sheba. But it’s also a good chance to dispel some of the nonsense that people have been spreading.After predictions that I wouldn’t show up, and being called an “intellectual coward” for banning trolls on my blog by Elizabeth, I find I can no longer post over at the T Side, yo. Maybe it’s my browser or something. Anyway, I’ll post a few things here and if people behave themselves I may even allow some of their comments through. Because I’m cool like that.
Everyone can post on my blog so stop your misinformation. By behave yourself I am sure you mean adhere to the Aria Blue party line. I actually appreciate you showing up Aria since I value all opinions and welcome your comments and criticisms. Am I a troll because I disagree with you or was that aimed at others? I will repeat what I said before. You are an intellectual coward but I may want to remove the intellectual preface because that you are not. You cannot even read studies and accurately summarize the results without interjecting your own biased opinions and then attempt to skew the actual meaning of the study. You are so pathetic you are capable of reading the Declaration of Independence and because the second paragraph starts with
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal... is a misogynist rant by men aimed at minimizing women.
Ok next, I don’t dismiss Benjamin in favor of Person and Ovesey. Once again, the point I am making is that many different people came to similar conclusions about the transsexual birth condition long before we had the harder science to back it up. Person and Ovesey saw that actual transsexuals differed from the gay and transvestic applicants in some specific ways. Benjamin did too, mentioning that 40% of his patients exhibited some physical symptoms of “hypogonadism”, in addition to the things that Person and Ovesey noticed. Namely, the singular fixation of the transsexual on the corrective surgery and physical therapeutics to repair the perceived deformity to the body. The lack of trepidation, never looking back, and the all-consuming desire for “conversion therapy”. Jan Wallinder noticed it too and came up with probably the best description of the condition that an outsider ever had (thanks for the info Jo!):
First point is as I mentioned before Person and Ovesey were Psychiatrists and their aim was to study the relationship between homosexuality and transsexualism. The study was focused and with 20 patients insufficient to draw accurate conclusions and flawed because they flat out lied about contacting relatives and family members of the subjects. I was one of those subjects whose mother would have gladly talked with Dr. Person but was never contacted but was included in the study.
Of the ten non-asexual patients 5 were classified as gay and the other were transsexual but because they were attracted to men were listed as "gay transsexual" with zero clarification about whether they actually engaged in sexual activity. Even worse than that is you now misrepresent what the results of the
Jan Walinder study were. If you bothered to read the entire document you would find that the vast majority of the transsexuals he studied were attracted to men if MTF and therefore would be classified as "gay" by Person-Ovesey because it was their desired sex partner.
The only reason you support Person-Ovesey is because they categorized Primary as something you felt you fit into which fit your elitist opinion of yourself. The term Primary in the study was intended to represent the most common and largest occurring subset of the transsexual condition which was Benjamin Type V which if you are still transsexual is your probable category. Like most bad researchers Person-Ovesey were out to prove their beliefs about feminine transsexuals and feminine boys that were not transsexual and quite honestly they failed miserably and received scathing reviews by others in the field long before the term transgender covered transsexuals.
Walinder also believed the lines were blurred between transsexuals. The following you posted is what he defined as the major concepts.
1. A sense of belonging to the opposite sex, of having been born into the wrong sex, of being one of nature’s extant errors.
2. A sense of estrangement with ones own body; all indications of sex differentiation are considered afflictions and repugnant.
3. A strong desire to resemble physically the opposite sex via therapy including surgery.
4. A desire to be accepted by the community as belonging to the opposite sex.
These were the primary but not the only.
Just after this your animosity and pure stupidity and prejudice against Benjamin comes right to the forefront. Any person that believes the trite garbage expressed in the paragraph below is probably a member of your little cult. I thought you didn't dismiss Benjamin? Only an idiot would make a statement like that.
The chief fault of Benjamin’s musings was that he was enamored of the
concept of sliding scales, as was fashionable at the time. The
underlying concept is sound, that in nature we observe variations in
human development. But as science has advanced and we now see the stark
dichotomies between men and women in certain areas, the scale concept
isn’t so apt with respect to specific situations. In other words, its
not an all-encompassing concept that can be applied like an algorithm to
any situation; context matters. Benjamin tried to fit all the data
into one convenient rubric, producing the unfortunate relationship
between transvestites and transsexuals that persists to this day. While
Benjamin personally was kind to many, his theoretical construct has
been the source of all the tranny histrionics ever since. It’s so easy
to say you are a type 4 moving on up to type 5. And that, combined with
the preaching by one Arnold Lowman, has produced the transgender
So Harry Benjamin is the reason we have the transgender issues of the day which infringe on your rights as a transsexual? This does beg the question of are you a woman or are you still transsexual. Based on your vehement complaints I guess you must still be transsexual. That single paragraph should let everyone know you are just a pathetic loon. If Benjamin had tried to fit all the data into a convenient rubric it would have been more concise and definitive but because he was a brilliant researcher along with physician he let the data produce the results unlike yourself who would prefer to fit the result to prove your own myopic view of the world regardless of what the data proves. I would suggest that anyone that reads this post please read what Walinder actually said and what his conclusions actually were here.(
Walinder link)
What level of expertise allows you to make this level of argument? Even Walinder, which you obviously did not read, discusses the simple fact that in low intensity asexual transsexuals like you claim to have been that the lines blurred and some didn't realize they were transsexual until later although most felt dysphoric early but the level of discomfort varied.
Benjamin recognized that there was intensity levels in transsexuals that differentiated between categories. Benjamin found cases where Type IV might morph or move into the bottom half of Type V but the one thing he was certain of was Type VI with total psycho-sexual inversion or as you prefer to call them the "gay transsexual" were the most intense and you either were or were not Type VI and no Type VI were ever asexual. Intensity levels can change and actually grow over time and even Walinder recognized this also.
It would be nice if being transsexual was totally black and white for everyone. Unfortunately it is not. I cannot say I am a big fan of the term transgender or tranny or any of those terms but I stopped being transsexual in late January 1971 and names cannot hurt me now.
When are you going to stop being transsexual?
And of course the larger point is that this is about a medical
condition, not a criteria of who is a real woman. That irritating
canard is thrown around as a distraction any time a sacred tranny cow is
about to be gored. Womanhood rests only on how you live your life, and
nothing else. These arguments, this science, all of that pertains only
to who was born with the transsexual condition. If you can arrive at
womanhood in some other way, more power to you. I believe the studies
and facts show that those who refuse to adhere to the basic standards
that society places on women (to a point, don’t go crazy with the sexist
crap), are not transsexual. See Jan Wallinder’s #4. Those who claim
special status and want to be seen as more than women, are not women and
neither are they transsexual. This stuff is tautological, yet the
points have to be made over and over and over.
It is a medical condition but yet you base you premise on the study of a freaking Psychiatrist in Ethel Person? My god you are clueless. What standard does society place on women? Who sets these standards some pseudo-intellectual nimrod like you? Please enlighten us all on your standards. The only one claiming special status is YOU. What an ignorant person you are along with being so self righteous. It is like you are forming your own little cult which might actually be closer to the truth than I want to think of.
If you aren’t transsexual, then the treatment protocols for this
physical malady shouldn’t concern you at all, should they? Which is why
it amazes me when I read a news story where some aspect of the
transsexual medical treatment is being discussed, and the writer or
reporter goes to the gays and transgenders for comment. What business
is it of theirs? And that’s why anti-transsexual comments coming from
supposed type V transsexuals are so laughable. If you really wanted to
improve the way the transsexual medical condition was received, you
wouldn’t be spending all your time tearing it down and telling people
why gay men and crossdressers are a type of transsexual. That crap is
just nonsense.
First off I was diagnosed as Type VI by Benjamin in late 1959 but that and 2 dollars will get me a good sized coffee from Dunkin Donuts. Does that make me a "gay transsexual" in your myopic view of the world? By the way I said Benjamin and others have conjectured but never have said transvestites may be a very mild form of transsexualism and Walinder agreed with Benjamin and it may shock you to know Dr. Person did also.
Where am I spending all my time tearing down anything about the transsexual medical condition? Not only are you illogical you are paranoid. You really are obsessed with gay men and cross-dressers and based on just the current world people who bitch and moan and scream about the evils of certain conditions or people are often what they are complaining about. Are you a gay man or a cross-dresser? Nothing to be ashamed about if you are. Just wondering!!!
I’m reserving the right to add more to this rant, these people just
piss me off with their constant nipping at my heels. If they wanted to
help, they’d be out writing pro-transsexual pieces and not spending
their time focusing one of the few people on the internet who doesn’t
accept the TG dogma. Hmm, what does that say about them?
Like I said above you are often what you claim to hate. How many gay right wing crazy preachers have there been? Lots!! By the way that was the first and only post I would ever have done on some loser like you but hey some fools just don't know when to shut up and that would be you.
And in case anyone wanted another reason to disassociate ourselves
from crossdressers, here is a fetish crossdresser who murdered two women
and was convicted recently:
On Yahoo
News video on Youtube
People who insist we provide cover for crossdressers and gay men by
membership in the GLBTg are way off base. It’s not about being nice and
friendly with “the community”. These are not our burdens to bear in
the first place! We have enough to deal with, and we don’t need men’s
issues piled on top of us as well.
Just another pathetic rant and another attempt to justify you homophobia and hatred of cross-dressers and anything not exactly like you. Are you trying to say that this fetish murderer is in any way representative of a transvestite or cross-dresser? That is akin to saying the transsexual doctor who murdered his wife in Massachusetts is representative of transsexuals. In fact I could not find one comment where the term transgender was used concerning this sex predator and I may be wrong but they might not have used cross-dresser either.
In all honesty even for a paranoid fool like you this is beneath contempt to make this comparison but then you are exactly that aren't you? The worst part is your cult like followers will genuflect and bow to what their minds perceive as genuine cognizant thoughts when in reality it just is another example of both your delusional mind and total lack of common sense. Are you all planning to drink the cool-aid if things don't go your way?
I am still confused by your constant use of the term we as in the transsexual we. Are you a woman or are you transsexual? I guess it really doesn't matter because a fool by any other name is still a fool.