I was on a long vacation of sorts this previous summer before this and visited my brothers with the final stage being a Texas visit to my late husband's family ranch. I was in what locals like to call "God's Country", Montana, which fits weather wise, in the summer, since we had warm days and very cool nights, for most of July and the part of August I was there.
I had been fighting a balky back that I gave myself by driving the "wrong" car back to New England to visit my younger brother and other friends in June. I remedied that by driving back to North Carolina through 900 miles of construction and other delays and picked up my "fast" car, 2005 Z06 Corvette, which has more comfortable seats with better back support and is lethal fast. I then drove to the Northwest to visit my older brother in Montana.
If you have read anything on this blog you would know my older brother is very special in my life. He accepted me and tried to protect me as a child and young adult. We both lived in Southern California at the same time so I had him for support when my first marriage disintegrated. Along with my Uncle Don I had plenty of family support and friendship in California. It went from Orange County to Pasadena to Hollywood and it helped me through the odd bad times and provided plenty of good times.
While in Montana my back felt well enough so one day I agreed to a horseback ride with my brother up higher into the Rockies. My brother was someone and is someone I could and do confide in. He moved here from Southern California to get his children away from the drugs and culture of Southern California. The kids fell in love with their new home and all has gone well. He married late in life but he married a great woman and the happiness in this home and semi-working cattle ranch is undeniable. I love it here but you would need a gun to keep me here for the winters.
As we were riding we talked about family and Ray dropped a really good question on me. He simply asked and I paraphrase his question, "why do we never talk about the past"? It struck me he was talking about my past and what I or we went through during our childhood and early twenties until I had my SRS. I put my brothers and mother through a living hell with my silly suicide attempts and I am alive today because they found me and got me to the hospital on time to visit my friend the stomach pump along with Kevin pulling me off the rocks on my last suicide attempt which was my best plan.
I write about it in this blog, partially, because it is not easy to talk about it primarily because it was not a lot of fun, most of the times. It is personal therapy in some ways and it helped that I let go of the anger when I was young when I forgave everyone. It is a past I did not forget about but neither did I brood about. It is the past because I am no longer transsexual, I was just a girl, and then a woman as the years passed by. It was my secret but raising a daughter, running a business, going back to Grad School in California and again in Massachusetts, and just living took over and life became as I wished it would be, never boring, very interesting, but relatively "normal". Balancing raising a daughter, running a large business, and attending very rigorous grad schools did not leave time for the past. That was a good thing.
There would be occasional reminders like when my Guitar God friend was in LA for shows and he would always send tickets and end up at the house, particularly after my divorce. Several times the entire band showed up at the house and we had the best pool parties ever but the only one who knew about my past was him and it was our little secret. It was never discussed or talked about because it was the past and a time when I was struggling to get over the divorce and become the me I was at that moment. The other reason is simple, it was never an issue between us. There was no need to talk about it. He was a clear example of both my attraction to bad boys and my seeming lack of fear of playing with bad boys, although I did not realize that in that moment. Never once did we mention or discuss the past other than a smile when something was mentioned, by his lead singer, about the hilarious manner in which we met. I might be the only person that ever sobered him up at a party he was drunk at.
Even as a child I was good at keeping secrets. I did tell my parents and grandfather that I was a girl but I think they had an inkling even when I was very young. When you are a kid like me you get called a lot of ugly names and there were many a time when I was called some gay slur that I wanted to scream,"I am a girl", but I never did. They did not have the right to know the truth. Even my many Psychiatrists had to drag it out of me because I quickly learned to not trust them because of their reaction to my secret. The concept that I really was a girl was like pouring gasoline on a fire in my mind. Once I did scream I am a girl all but one of those Psychiatrists became somewhat agitated and then hurt me verbally.
If a kid said, "you are such a girl", I would run home tom my mother to tell her what was said but it never went over well because I then learned that they were making fun of me. Sometimes one cannot win. I was 5 years old when I started grammar school and after I skipped two grades and ended up in third grade a week into class I had a teacher that believed in corporal punishment and she hit me with a ruler one day quite viciously and when I went home my mom asked what had happened and she had said I needed to stop acting like a girl, like I had a clue on that one. My mom marched right down to that school and walked in with her cane from paralytic polio and told that teacher to mind her own business and the next time she hit me she was coming down there and beating the crap out of her.
I know how it feels to be a 12 1/2 year old kid and be several years ahead of others in school and feeling like a complete outcast because nobody could figure out if I was a boy or a girl. Well actually they all thought I was a girl entering High School and wondered why I was breaking the school dress code for girls by wearing pants and not a skirt, I wish. When word got around that "she" was really a "he" from the other side of town here for the advanced classes it got quickly uglier.
Even my younger brother said I should stop acting like a "girl", like I had a clue I was acting or somehow doing it on purpose. It took my brothers half a summer to teach me to throw a ball the way I gather I was "supposed to", so he should have known better. I was so distressed I thought of stepping in front of the train I took to school every day but I feared I might survive somehow. It is weird how the mind works at times.
I remember that first day like it was this morning and how scared I was. I was not in a good place mentally because I felt so lost and everything felt so hopeless in my life. I remember how frightened I was walking up the granite steps leading to the front door of my High School while I desperately clutched my books to my chest and kept my head looking down while praying nobody would notice me. The problem is I was always noticeable in those days and I heard the comments and the whispers as I tried to climb the 30 odd granite steps to the main entrance of the school.
I have really good training in keeping secrets. I was investigated and received a top security clearance in college because of what I worked on and helped develop with my friend and adviser in the Engineering School. That clearance moved with me to Houston along with a few upgrades of a special nature that were necessary for my position. One learns not to talk about what is not or should not be talked about. It is a bond of honor and not something to be taken lightly. The irony is until I was nearly 24 basically everyone around me knew about me and what I was. It was not something easily hidden nor unknown. They talked to everyone including Harry so what I was was known, by everyone I worked with. Kind of amazing they still hired me.
In fact when I left our Houston facility, for my home in Clear Lake, it was easier for people to think I was female. I never dated there because I had never looked for a boyfriend simply because I felt incomplete and my previous boyfriends knew the truth and knew that sex was absolutely out of the question and I had no intention of getting involved in something where I had to say something. Boys always came after me and kind of forced their way into my life, it wasn't that hard to be honest because most of us are very lonely before SRS. So at work everyone close to me knew but away from work everyone thought I was what I knew I was in my soul but not what I was in one area. That little secret again.
In college I kept boys away with a fake engagement ring, a smile, and an "I am taken" comment. It worked and I should have done it in Houston but it really reminded me of who I had lost in May of 1963, so I did not. I could sortof hide the physical changes, I had undergone, most of the time at work because where I worked we did wear white lab coats which covered one well. It allowed my fellow workers to play practical jokes on visiting Engineers by letting them think I was a girl which usually led to them being embarrassed when they were told who they tried to flirt with. Sometimes it hurt and sometimes it was actually funny but it was something I could have done without. Away from work those physical changes worked to my advantage because it made people think I was who I wanted them to think I was. A way of keeping a different kind of secret. All those years on estrogen does wonderful things.Under different circumstances one would be flattered
I do not think anyone really understood transsexuals back then because I had this one flyboy that always accused me of being a girl pretending to be a boy, so I could work there, and I would remind him that I had a very high security clearance so I was not fooling anyone and besides it was usually after I had killed him in a simulation. They did not like that. He was not the only one that felt that way but of all the people there the flyboys were the kindest to me which is odd when you realize they were all Type A personalities. I had so many crushes on so many of them it drove me nuts at times. They might have had the Right Stuff but they were all bad boys at heart and that was a magnet for me.
I did have one bizarre incident away from work that shows the danger involved. I really did not cook a lot because usually I got home late so I would go to this drive thru BBQ restaurant and get takeout without leaving the car which was kind of a boy magnet which my brother Ray had insisted I buy, because I could get one where I worked. The drive thru was broken and I was starving so I decided to go inside and order food and after I got the food, for a reason I will never understand, I decided to eat there, so I grabbed a booth and started eating. A very big mistake.
Before long two quite cute Texas boys chatted me up about my Corvette and I got nervous, like I usually did, and I acted badly, I am sure, and was accused of being a "Yankee bitch" amongst a few comments. I had a nice B-cup by then so unless I wore something very loose they were quite visible and I was wearing a tee-shirt from work and shorts so I guess they thought they should hit on me which under normal circumstances would have been flattering but I was scared because they started getting pushy. It is what can happen. Pushy boys can get dangerous.
As I entered panic mode over these two boys, it was me and not them really, I heard a familiar voice ask them to leave his friend alone. It was one of the flyboys who had questions about me and lets just say we chatted idly but his eyes never left my breasts or it certainly seemed that way to me. That was a weird feeling because under normal circumstances, later in life, I wanted men to stare at me because it meant they were interested. This was not one of those times. He was gorgeous like most of them were.
He never said a word and he walked me to the car which because of the heat, along with the 12.5-1 compression, was vapor locked and would not start. He stayed there and those same Texas boys from inside got to look at the big block 427 engine and the single carb that told them what it was and the talk went to fast cars and away from me. All seemed forgiven. He even used female pronouns like those Texas boys and it was one of those surreal moments when you realize you just cannot keep this up much longer.
Once I got it started he leaned in the window and said, "You are not fooling me", and when I got home I cried most of the evening. If not for that fucking wart down there that gorgeous man was mine, not really but you can dream, and I had that thought and it was very painful. Life can throw a lot of curve balls at you when you are born transsexual and all I could think about was how good he smelled which is just plain weird. It is hard to get that mixture of man and aftershave out of your head sometimes.
I am sure he told others because there were stares as I assume people tried to confirm what he said but I never had any major issues with them or the other Engineers I worked with other than sometimes getting other Engineers or Technicians to do their job correctly. That was always a problem.
There are a lot of secrets from those days that a few of us will never be able to talk about but the thing I learned was to just go with the flow as my brother says. I was very uncomfortable as a boy while I was extremely comfortable as a girl. People see what you project and they can tell whether you are comfortable or not. It was a weird time and finally in August 1969 I resigned from the best job I have ever had in order to take the final steps towards SRS. In many ways it broke my heart but I needed to do what I had to do. Ironically my mentor told me years later they would have let me transition at NASA but that was something I just could not do.
I headed back to Massachusetts to meet with my Uncle, he wanted me to work for him, and in a moment of silliness I transitioned in a motel in Slidell Louisiana. It never dawned on me that driving a car with off the road side exhausts through the south, as me, was not my brightest idea. I made it to my hotel in Boston and my younger brother wanted to take his girlfriend for a ride in the Corvette so he gave me his Pontiac GTO and he took the Corvette and got a ticket for noise within 15 minutes. That car was loud because the muffler in the side pipes was simply 4 crinkles in the pipe which didn't quiet it but gave it a very distinct rumble.
I then moved to New York working for my Uncle as me and that was a really "big" secret because other than two secretaries in the construction trailer I was it as far as girls went. I was given a Company credit card in my new name along with a checking account in my name in Boston. It was easier back then in 1969. After some trials and tribulations in my first residence I ended up in late September in my new upscale residence in midtown Manhattan. It ate up a lot of my Per Diem but it was worth it.
The first scary secret I really had was when I realized I liked boys. Somehow I felt it was worse if my mom felt I was gay verses believing I was a girl. When I finally blurted it out I realized she had simply known that was how it would be. The same for my second secret which was a boyfriend. Everyone in both families knew but I really cherished that one until 6 months later when I learned both families knew along with half the high school. Some secrets are not so secret.
My secret that I thought I was a girl was broadcast by the boy I told on a rainy Saturday afternoon in 1959, the same as he did when we learned I was transsexual although it should be pointed out I think everyone kind of had the clue I was more girl than boy so it actually made sense to a lot of people. Boys cannot keep secrets any better than girls, actually I think we girls do a better job, sometimes.
Revealing a secret has always been difficult for me. Telling a guy is not something I have a clue about. The first guy I told was my neighbor across from me in NYC only because he asked me if I knew my friend Lana was a female impersonator. Oscar was and sometimes still is a big deal in the fashion world and I told him I was like her and for some reason I trusted this gay man and he liked me. My trust was well placed although he did say that my fashion sense was matching socks which was probably true. Oscar dressed me from then on.
When I met the Guitar player he did not know and I flirted with him and gave him my phone number because I never figured he would call. He claims I seduced him or at least tried to to this very day which I of course deny but he probably has a point. When he did call I made a mutual friend tell him because it might be less of a shock and I would be safe. We ended up being lifelong friends. We also dated when he was arguing with or between his latest girlfriend. Go figure.
Not telling took a big bite out of my ass with Enrique, the first man I fell for after SRS and my first sex partner. I fell for him very hard and he fell for me just as hard. He introduced me to Opera, the Ballet, and more culture than I thought existed. He taught me how amazing my body was and in many ways freed me from the past. I was quite terrified the first time I had sex with him because I was a virgin and he was amazing with me and for me.
His family had a home on Long Island, on the water, and we spent every weekend there and it was at that residence and on that beach I struggled with the big secret of telling him. I have usually denied it but I was quite madly in love with him. On a Wednesday evening in the late fall of 1971 he took me to our favorite secluded little Italian Restaurant in Brooklyn and got down on one knee and proposed to me and I heard someone telling him something like, "a thousand times yes", and this gorgeous ring being placed on my hand and that secret coming front and center in my mind.
After that I would venture out onto the beach when I could not sleep and sit there and cry on more than a few late evenings. It seemed I could not get away from that secret. Rico would eventually realize I was outside and would walk out to me and I tried multiple times to tell him but it never came out. He would find me crying and sobbing and like most men figured he must have done something wrong and I would tell him it was not his fault but we needed to talk. Men do not handle the girl they love crying very well and his idea of helping was seducing me which was never a problem he had.
My family loved him which was in itself odd. A bunch of conservative Republicans liking a Cuban Diplomat is just weird. Most straight girls and women want to be swept off their feet by a man whether they will admit it or not. I tried to tell him multiple times but it would invariably end up in a kiss and a well placed hand and all thoughts of talking ended. It was a much easier way out for me but it just left the problem and the secret still waiting in the wings.
In December of 1971 he simply seemed to vanish off the face of the Earth as far as I was concerned. I knew he was headed back to Cuba and I had spent Thanksgiving home in Massachusetts. I thought the worst and pestered everyone and even asked my Grandmother for help. His phone was disconnected and it felt like May of 1963 all over again because somebody I was madly in love with was gone. I had a difficult time thinking otherwise and I was quite frantic.
I was and am innately shy which may or may not be related to how I was born but that was and in many ways still is me. Enrique brought me out of the shell I had placed around myself. Whether it was true or not Enrique told me I was beautiful and amazing and challenging and sexy and silly and the love of his life. For a kid like me those words gave me confidence and I flourished as my mom said. That all ended on a Tuesday in midtown Manhattan when I turned a corner doing an errand and walked right into Enrique. The single look he gave me said it all. He knew and he refused to talk to me and at the insistence of a mutual friend we agreed to meet at Rockefeller Center and it was ugly.
I told him I had tried many times to tell him but he did not want to hear it and when he asked how could you agree to marry me the tears began flowing more freely. He said some pretty horrible things and I felt I deserved some of them but not all. It is something most of us that are heterosexual girls face sometime in our lives. I have no answers on the subject.
I told my first husband Robert about a month into our dating and he left for two weeks and came back and implied it was okay and bribed me with his baby daughter who had been abandoned by his first wife. He played me and used me because of his issues so telling him turned out to be a bad experience except for my stepdaughter who was and is a blessing. That was strike two so I decided then and there never to tell anyone I dated again and I have not.
I married Robert in Las Vegas because we eloped which was weird because I had dreamed of a really big wedding since I was a child. I sometimes think I just knew he was bad for me and he was. I caught him cross-dressing and attempting to access my hormone prescriptions and that was it. He was relegated to the Pool House which was comfy for him but except for dinner he was not allowed in the house. Yes I know it was a weird situation and I should never have let him stay in the pool house and eat dinner with us but I feared retribution from Robert which would come later.
We were divorced after less than two years of marriage and that was that and I decided since I had such a miserable track record telling men that that was done and crossed off my agenda. I was never telling anyone about my past again.
I had become close with my Uncle Don of Hollywood fame and was dating men I actually picked up or let them pick me up at a local bar which was a hot spot for younger girls and boys and I may have been approaching 30 but I looked 20 or so I was told. I was playing golf with my Uncle because he had gotten Robert a membership and I was his spousal member.
The bartender recognized how shy I was and he actually scrutinized the guys trying to pick me up and I would get a thumbs up or a thumbs down from him. I dated a biker who was a great guy until he told me I had to get his name tattooed on my body which was not about to happen. Any time some guy wanted to get serious I would mention Denise or simply drift away since that seemed more convenient. I dated a very famous surfer for quite a while until I caught him doing drugs in my living room which was a no go so I dumped him.
He taught me to surf and I am okay but not a world beater. I learned to scuba dive off the California Coast and my Uncle Don got me an invitation to dive with a rather famous or more aptly soon to be famous director. Diving is like walking in space except the medium is a liquid but I now understood the necessity of the big diving pool at NASA.
I kept my secret and continued to do so even when I attended Cal Tech for a Masters in Electrical Engineering. I can speak from personal experience when I say what is shown on "The Big Bang Theory" is more than accurate. I remember how they looked at me and I have to admit I enjoyed every second of it. My first day there was brilliant even if I do say so myself but I must admit my Uncle Don who had a home nearby told me to dress up and glam up and he was correct.
My first class was a lecture and the poor lecturer basically spit the bit when I walked in wearing something Dior designed and not exactly for an Electrical Engineering lecture. He knew who I was and regained his composure but the results of the mostly male audience was notable. When I showed up for class the next time I was wearing jeans and a tee-shirt which became my standard fair but the way I dressed that first day had a lasting result. Respect and awe as a female and a woman. Somehow my Uncle knew.
When they learned I was in my 30's and a prodigy from the 60's it did get weird but in a nice way. While I was there I soon realized I wanted a Masters in Computer Science but that got put on hold for a year when my husband fucked over me and somehow refinanced the house by forging my name and leaving California with half the value of my home and my stepdaughter. The more important thing was the loss of my stepdaughter and I got my Masters and sold my house and went East after my ex husband and most importantly my stepdaughter who was distraught that I was not going with them.
To be continued....
Friday, July 11, 2014
Saturday, May 24, 2014
Monica Roberts vs RuPaul
Talk about the kettle calling the pot black. Here we have Monica Roberts of Transgriot calling out RuPaul for the use of the word tranny like somehow Monica Roberts and her 7 inch neoclit have some high road they can take on this subject. The claim is that Roberts and her newbie "transfeminist" and trans friends have the right to define tranny as a pejorative which is bullshit.
The truth is that Monica Roberts is a rather disingenuous member of the transgender community that has admitted on her blog that she enjoys her dick, oops neoclit, and the men who date her love it and that they are straight men. She has gone out of her way to post videos of tranny chasers claiming they are straight men when in fact they are just gay men getting their dick in a different package.
Now for a little lesson Monica. Tranny chaser is a perfectly accepted manner in which to use the word tranny because we have used that word and terminology since the 60's. They were tranny chasers then and they are tranny chasers today. Now I am sure you take offense to the term tranny chaser because that labels your male friends as, well, tranny chasers because they do love their women with a dick which is also called a "she-male" which is another pejorative in your world because quite bluntly it describes you to a tee.
I wonder how many times you have spoken somewhere and admitted you have a dick. My guess is never except for your occasional slip up here when you post the tranny chaser that claims he is straight. I do have a bridge for sale that leads from Manhattan to Brooklyn I can sell you cheaply if you are interested.
The reason you kept you dick is quite obvious. You enjoy it and like to use it so it must be interesting when you and your "straight" men have sex. You claim you are a woman yet you have to have sex as a man so just how are you a woman unless what defines a woman has been changed? Basically what Carmen Carrera did for the Life Ball by posing as both a girl and a boy says it all about people like you, her, Laverne Cox and the rest of the penis under the dress crowd. You are still men despite the boobs and the curves which is sad.
You were all gay men before your transition and you are still gay men afterwards just in a slightly different package that is more suitable for certain men who want to believe they are not gay. At least RuPaul is honest about who and what he is which is a gay male and by the way there is nothing wrong with being gay just in case you have not heard of this little factoid. You prefer to lie like the she-male porn star that claimed the men that liked to suck her dick were straight men. Sorry but straight men do not suck dick just for your edification and they don't like the dick on you. They run from you and your dick unless of course they are "straight tranny chasers" which is of course contradictory.
The real irony of this entire scenario is your complete lack of understanding about how stupid some man sounds trying to explain him liking a woman with a penis still makes him straight. It is quite the comedy show and I do enjoy them when you post them.
It is highly hypocritical of you to denounce RuPaul for using "she-male" and "tranny" when in fact they basically describe your life whether you want to admit it or not. Maybe you should have transsexual banned because after all it does have "sex" in it and I'm betting you would love to do that.
On this marque matchup the winner is RuPaul by default because at least RuPaul is honest about RuPaul whereas Monica Roberts is far from honest for whatever her reasoning might be.
The truth is that Monica Roberts is a rather disingenuous member of the transgender community that has admitted on her blog that she enjoys her dick, oops neoclit, and the men who date her love it and that they are straight men. She has gone out of her way to post videos of tranny chasers claiming they are straight men when in fact they are just gay men getting their dick in a different package.
Now for a little lesson Monica. Tranny chaser is a perfectly accepted manner in which to use the word tranny because we have used that word and terminology since the 60's. They were tranny chasers then and they are tranny chasers today. Now I am sure you take offense to the term tranny chaser because that labels your male friends as, well, tranny chasers because they do love their women with a dick which is also called a "she-male" which is another pejorative in your world because quite bluntly it describes you to a tee.
I wonder how many times you have spoken somewhere and admitted you have a dick. My guess is never except for your occasional slip up here when you post the tranny chaser that claims he is straight. I do have a bridge for sale that leads from Manhattan to Brooklyn I can sell you cheaply if you are interested.
The reason you kept you dick is quite obvious. You enjoy it and like to use it so it must be interesting when you and your "straight" men have sex. You claim you are a woman yet you have to have sex as a man so just how are you a woman unless what defines a woman has been changed? Basically what Carmen Carrera did for the Life Ball by posing as both a girl and a boy says it all about people like you, her, Laverne Cox and the rest of the penis under the dress crowd. You are still men despite the boobs and the curves which is sad.
You were all gay men before your transition and you are still gay men afterwards just in a slightly different package that is more suitable for certain men who want to believe they are not gay. At least RuPaul is honest about who and what he is which is a gay male and by the way there is nothing wrong with being gay just in case you have not heard of this little factoid. You prefer to lie like the she-male porn star that claimed the men that liked to suck her dick were straight men. Sorry but straight men do not suck dick just for your edification and they don't like the dick on you. They run from you and your dick unless of course they are "straight tranny chasers" which is of course contradictory.
The real irony of this entire scenario is your complete lack of understanding about how stupid some man sounds trying to explain him liking a woman with a penis still makes him straight. It is quite the comedy show and I do enjoy them when you post them.
It is highly hypocritical of you to denounce RuPaul for using "she-male" and "tranny" when in fact they basically describe your life whether you want to admit it or not. Maybe you should have transsexual banned because after all it does have "sex" in it and I'm betting you would love to do that.
On this marque matchup the winner is RuPaul by default because at least RuPaul is honest about RuPaul whereas Monica Roberts is far from honest for whatever her reasoning might be.
Wednesday, May 21, 2014
Carmen Carrera Comes Full Circle
Carmen Carrera got really upset when she was asked if she had SRS, yet here she is posing as both a female and a male and that penis is hers and it was airbrushed out of the other photo. The captions read in German.
I am Adam.
I am Eve.
I am me.
She did this for the Life Ball 2014 poster by David LaChapelle. There is no question that Carrera is beautiful but then implants and facial surgery have a lot to do with that. When Carrera appeared on RuPaul's Drag Race Carrera was a gay drag queen. Carrera was your typical gay male drag performer and made no bones about it. In these two photos Carrera is confirming that Carrera is both male and female which does not equate to female. It actually fits Carrera's gay persona from the days of RuPaul.
I firmly believe Carrera believed being considered transgendered helped the situation so Carrera has adopted that term as the proper (sic) terminology for Carrera's existence. Along with Carrera's 6-3 inch pal Laverne Cox they have been making the rounds on television representing the trans community. They made a scene on Katie Couric's show when asked if they had undergone SRS and were outraged. They are part of the transgender crowd trying to push the message that what is in their panties doesn't matter unless of course it is time for sex which they casually forget about.

Take a look at these two pictures and tell me of one person born transsexual or desperate for SRS that would commit such an outrage. The sad part is this dumbshit just does not understand how stupid this was but then again brains and Carmen Carrera might be mutually exclusive.
It turns out Tyra Banks and VH1 are going to do a documentary series on "transgender" people in Chicago and guess who the "role model" will be? Carmen Carrera who is "moving" to Chicago to lead the group.
The term shemale is now a pejorative but in my view that picture above displays a shemale and clearly defines what one looks like. The manner in which the term shemale is used today is primarily derogatory except in the sex trades but that is another story. Why would anyone including someone that considers themselves trans pose for such a picture and jump at the chance to be a "role model" in a transgender reality show. The only reason I can come up with is attention.
Laverne Cox, Monica Roberts, Carmen Carrera and their like are all supporters of the biggest transgender lie of all which is that, "what is in your panties is not relevant", which is the biggest lie ever because it absolves them of ever having to interact with a sex partner as a physically capable woman and not as the men their genitals still identify them as. In the real world the interaction between women and their sex partners is a cornerstone of our lives. They do not and will never understand this and that makes them fools.
The feelings that a woman has when she meets the right man are indescribable. It is both a rush of hormones and the need for him to like you and hopefully love you. The desire for sex is a huge part of this and our need to please him but our desire that he pleases us and when that happens to a girl we are his whether we want to admit it or not. Thus the popularity of the Fifty Shades of Grey Trilogy. For the right man we will put up with a lot.
I have been on dates with guys that starting pushing their hands up under my dress and I had to aggressively prevent them from going higher because I was not complete. Thankfully I avoided those issues most of the time but I did have my fair share of frightful moments.
The first man to reach my sex was my first actual physical lover and I can tell you the feeling when his had slid past the lace of my panties and he inserted a finger and then two fingers into me was worth everything I went through to be complete. Just what do those "ladies" do for sex? According to Monica her men love her 7 inch neoclit which makes them gay and it befuddles me what they do for sex.
It actually doesn't befuddle me but there is no need to describe the gay sex they can only have. Despite this they are still women, just ask them, which defies logic but then logical thought and transgender are mutually exclusive. Maybe they can compare neoclit size on the VH1 show.
Then of course they will all learn how to dress like a drag star from Carrera. Am I missing something here or has Carrera come full circle from gay drag figure to transgender and back to gay porn actress showing off the penis to the entire world?
I am Adam.
I am Eve.
I am me.
She did this for the Life Ball 2014 poster by David LaChapelle. There is no question that Carrera is beautiful but then implants and facial surgery have a lot to do with that. When Carrera appeared on RuPaul's Drag Race Carrera was a gay drag queen. Carrera was your typical gay male drag performer and made no bones about it. In these two photos Carrera is confirming that Carrera is both male and female which does not equate to female. It actually fits Carrera's gay persona from the days of RuPaul.
I firmly believe Carrera believed being considered transgendered helped the situation so Carrera has adopted that term as the proper (sic) terminology for Carrera's existence. Along with Carrera's 6-3 inch pal Laverne Cox they have been making the rounds on television representing the trans community. They made a scene on Katie Couric's show when asked if they had undergone SRS and were outraged. They are part of the transgender crowd trying to push the message that what is in their panties doesn't matter unless of course it is time for sex which they casually forget about.

Take a look at these two pictures and tell me of one person born transsexual or desperate for SRS that would commit such an outrage. The sad part is this dumbshit just does not understand how stupid this was but then again brains and Carmen Carrera might be mutually exclusive.
It turns out Tyra Banks and VH1 are going to do a documentary series on "transgender" people in Chicago and guess who the "role model" will be? Carmen Carrera who is "moving" to Chicago to lead the group.
Carmen will be serving as a role model for the cast — Giselle, Natalia, Sidney, and Victory — and she seems pretty excited for this new platform. “Being a woman means everything to me,” Carmen told THR. “Before my transition I felt trapped, and now I’ve been set free. Carmen has arrived and I can’t wait to share my story.”What was Carmen trapped by? Carmen's gayness. Carmen's very gay boyfriend. Being a woman means so much to Carmen that Carmen has kept the male genitals which is obvious from the above photo. How the hell can Carmen Carrera be a role model for anyone born transsexual? Carrera has less of a clue about what it means to be transsexual than what being a woman means but we might be splitting hairs on that one. I am actually not sure Carrera knows what being transgender is either which is scary.
The term shemale is now a pejorative but in my view that picture above displays a shemale and clearly defines what one looks like. The manner in which the term shemale is used today is primarily derogatory except in the sex trades but that is another story. Why would anyone including someone that considers themselves trans pose for such a picture and jump at the chance to be a "role model" in a transgender reality show. The only reason I can come up with is attention.
Laverne Cox, Monica Roberts, Carmen Carrera and their like are all supporters of the biggest transgender lie of all which is that, "what is in your panties is not relevant", which is the biggest lie ever because it absolves them of ever having to interact with a sex partner as a physically capable woman and not as the men their genitals still identify them as. In the real world the interaction between women and their sex partners is a cornerstone of our lives. They do not and will never understand this and that makes them fools.
The feelings that a woman has when she meets the right man are indescribable. It is both a rush of hormones and the need for him to like you and hopefully love you. The desire for sex is a huge part of this and our need to please him but our desire that he pleases us and when that happens to a girl we are his whether we want to admit it or not. Thus the popularity of the Fifty Shades of Grey Trilogy. For the right man we will put up with a lot.
I have been on dates with guys that starting pushing their hands up under my dress and I had to aggressively prevent them from going higher because I was not complete. Thankfully I avoided those issues most of the time but I did have my fair share of frightful moments.
The first man to reach my sex was my first actual physical lover and I can tell you the feeling when his had slid past the lace of my panties and he inserted a finger and then two fingers into me was worth everything I went through to be complete. Just what do those "ladies" do for sex? According to Monica her men love her 7 inch neoclit which makes them gay and it befuddles me what they do for sex.
It actually doesn't befuddle me but there is no need to describe the gay sex they can only have. Despite this they are still women, just ask them, which defies logic but then logical thought and transgender are mutually exclusive. Maybe they can compare neoclit size on the VH1 show.
Then of course they will all learn how to dress like a drag star from Carrera. Am I missing something here or has Carrera come full circle from gay drag figure to transgender and back to gay porn actress showing off the penis to the entire world?
Wednesday, May 14, 2014
Manning to get Gender Treatment
Well it appears the American taxpayers will be covering the expenses for Bradley Manning to become Chelsea Manning according to this article.
They are transferring Manning tom a civilian facility which means a Federal Jail and are setting the precedent that convicted traitors can get everything they want of the public dime. The question is whether it is a men's or women's facility.
I cannot honestly say I am opposed to Manning getting help because quite bluntly she always appeared feminine to me but what I am irritated by is the fact the Federal Government will pay for this for an incarcerated prisoner yet they have not mandated that the Affordable Care Act, aka Obamacare, pay for SRS for those that are honest hard working people. It seems a little disingenuous which fits because Obama and his Chicago lackeys are the worst kind of politicians and I voted for him twice. They truly do not care but they make you think they do. Now that is the art of politics.
They are transferring Manning tom a civilian facility which means a Federal Jail and are setting the precedent that convicted traitors can get everything they want of the public dime. The question is whether it is a men's or women's facility.
I cannot honestly say I am opposed to Manning getting help because quite bluntly she always appeared feminine to me but what I am irritated by is the fact the Federal Government will pay for this for an incarcerated prisoner yet they have not mandated that the Affordable Care Act, aka Obamacare, pay for SRS for those that are honest hard working people. It seems a little disingenuous which fits because Obama and his Chicago lackeys are the worst kind of politicians and I voted for him twice. They truly do not care but they make you think they do. Now that is the art of politics.
Friday, April 18, 2014
The Ultimate in Misogyny
Is there anything more sinister than men trying to redefine what it means to be a woman?
Is there anything more misogynistic than that very act of telling women that our sex identifying characteristics are meaningless because even with their functioning dicks they are just as mush a woman as we are?
Is there anything more misogynistic than destroying the very essence that makes us women and forcing us to merge the fantasies of men into our world whether we want them there or not?
Is there anything more misogynistic than claiming they as men in dresses have the same rights we have to enter our sacred and private places?
Is there anything more misogynistic than telling lesbians they "must" accept these men with penis' as their fellow lesbians and that they are transphobic if they reject them?
In my life all I wanted was the privilege of being as functional a woman as I could be and it meant everything to me because it was the core of my self and that sex identity is the same that women feel from birth. I never had a gender problem, I had a sex identity problem. I was always a girl but my parts were wrong and there is no identity issue that can possibly match the psychological trauma that can cause a child. I knew I was wrong and I first I had no idea how to fix it.
In the world of today the transgender activists and others have somehow managed to equate this issue as a gender identity problem and have then equated transvestites as having a gender identity issue. Transvestites are perfectly happy in their birth sex and they in reality do not want to change gender they basically have a social issue because I one time it was not feasible to cross-dress in public. Now that it seems to be acceptable they are like moths to a light in public but they do not have a gender issue.
Those that are confused about whether they are a girl, boy, neither, other, etc. have a gender issue because they are confused about their gender. A transsexual has a sex identity issue and has no gender problem because they simply know they are girls or that was certainly the way it once was but even that has been convoluted by the Transgender Borg.
All the kids I have dealt with and the kids you see like Jazz are not transgender unless one concedes transsexuals are under the transgender banner. I am always amused when idiots like Sandeen claim transsexual implies "sex" as in physical sex but it just understates their complete lack of understanding of what being transsexual is. We change our "sex" not our gender and that is why the term was and is transsexual. We cross from our birth mistake to our correct sex. It is really that simple.
Our senses are inundated with all this transgender bullshit and sadly Doctors that help transsexual children lump all the trans kids together and the transsexual kids can fall through the cracks because if truth be told many of the kids transitioning early might not be transsexual bit the ones that are know they are and are driven to be girls and that means SRS. The sad part is we are also inundated by certain individuals pushing the idea that SRS is not the answer and if it is not the answer for them it clouds the path for the truly transsexual child.
This is part and parcel of the misogynistic attempts by the transgender Borg to devalue what a woman is. Have you ever noticed not a one of these trans activists ever says or demands that men "must" accept women with a penis as partners like they do with our lesbian sisters? Why is that.
The simple truth is they are men and they see no reason why a man should accept a woman without a penis because every straight man knows "real" men like pussy. You will here and read these penis packing she-males claim that the men that date them and enjoy the penis they are packing are straight but if you believe that I have a bridge to Brooklyn I can sell cheap.
Having been married twice and having dated a lot of men I can tell you with certainty they are obsessed with lesbians. Isn't it kind of odd that straight men in dresses with a penis are demanding that lesbians accept them as partners. Do they really believe any of us think they do not want to use their penis? A lesbian friend of mine said to me she was appalled when lesbians wanted to use a strapon because that was male to her and she does not want dick.
These trans assholes have even created the term "trans-misogyny" which seems to be some special form of misogyny only certain "trans" people face. Now that is interesting.
Another interesting case of transgender misogyny towards women is the state of affairs when a married man decides he is "trans" and stuns his wife and transitions. In there bizarre world the woman is supposed to support her "husband" as he transitions ans then accept him as their "wife" afterwards which escapes my sense of reality. Christine Benvenuto lived this nightmare and actually had her husband go to court for custody of a daughter because he could teach her better about being feminine. As Penn and teller would say, "I shit you not!"
The wife is the problem in many cases and not them. Those that are truly women understand what they are doing and are incredibly sympathetic and try and make it as easy as they can for the wife. The rest are misogynistic pigs preying on a woman when they have beaten her down.
The twitter rape case is another example of the transgender misogyny at work. A woman will almost always side with the woman because we know how easy it is for a man to prey on us. It does not mean we prejudge the man but we sympathize with the woman because we are women and I will add one tidbit to that case. For a judge to set bail at $350,000 there is more than smoke there but per usual the trans activists are quiet about this case as they follow the , "hear no evil, speak no evil, and see no evil", when it comes to anything relating to transgender life.
Anyone read any of them commenting the the trans rapist in Toronto? Anyone read about then commenting on the 36 year old transgender woman that sodomized a 16 year old boy with her functional dick? Anyone read about the trans prisoner in England that had to be removed from a female prison because he was screwing every woman in there that wanted it?
Of course not. They will condemn Jared Leto for his amazing performance in Dallas Buyers Club because they think a certain 6-3 inch she-male should have played the role and were outraged that Calpernia Addams consulted on the movie. They will sign a petition for Carmen Carrera to model for Victoria Secret even though she has a dick. They will be outraged because someone asked the simple question about the surgical status like Katie Couric or will scream bloody murder when Janet Mock is asked about the simple fact she was born male and cannot understand the only fucking reason she was on that show is because she was a beautiful black sex change because other than that she has limited talent based on her writing skills.
They will be outraged when kids are outraged over colleen Francis displaying his dick and balls in a woman's sauna. The truth of the matter is the Ultimate misogynistic act in the last 50 years is the transgender movement and nobody has the courage to say so.
Is there anything more misogynistic than that very act of telling women that our sex identifying characteristics are meaningless because even with their functioning dicks they are just as mush a woman as we are?
Is there anything more misogynistic than destroying the very essence that makes us women and forcing us to merge the fantasies of men into our world whether we want them there or not?
Is there anything more misogynistic than claiming they as men in dresses have the same rights we have to enter our sacred and private places?
Is there anything more misogynistic than telling lesbians they "must" accept these men with penis' as their fellow lesbians and that they are transphobic if they reject them?
In my life all I wanted was the privilege of being as functional a woman as I could be and it meant everything to me because it was the core of my self and that sex identity is the same that women feel from birth. I never had a gender problem, I had a sex identity problem. I was always a girl but my parts were wrong and there is no identity issue that can possibly match the psychological trauma that can cause a child. I knew I was wrong and I first I had no idea how to fix it.
In the world of today the transgender activists and others have somehow managed to equate this issue as a gender identity problem and have then equated transvestites as having a gender identity issue. Transvestites are perfectly happy in their birth sex and they in reality do not want to change gender they basically have a social issue because I one time it was not feasible to cross-dress in public. Now that it seems to be acceptable they are like moths to a light in public but they do not have a gender issue.
Those that are confused about whether they are a girl, boy, neither, other, etc. have a gender issue because they are confused about their gender. A transsexual has a sex identity issue and has no gender problem because they simply know they are girls or that was certainly the way it once was but even that has been convoluted by the Transgender Borg.
All the kids I have dealt with and the kids you see like Jazz are not transgender unless one concedes transsexuals are under the transgender banner. I am always amused when idiots like Sandeen claim transsexual implies "sex" as in physical sex but it just understates their complete lack of understanding of what being transsexual is. We change our "sex" not our gender and that is why the term was and is transsexual. We cross from our birth mistake to our correct sex. It is really that simple.
Our senses are inundated with all this transgender bullshit and sadly Doctors that help transsexual children lump all the trans kids together and the transsexual kids can fall through the cracks because if truth be told many of the kids transitioning early might not be transsexual bit the ones that are know they are and are driven to be girls and that means SRS. The sad part is we are also inundated by certain individuals pushing the idea that SRS is not the answer and if it is not the answer for them it clouds the path for the truly transsexual child.
This is part and parcel of the misogynistic attempts by the transgender Borg to devalue what a woman is. Have you ever noticed not a one of these trans activists ever says or demands that men "must" accept women with a penis as partners like they do with our lesbian sisters? Why is that.
The simple truth is they are men and they see no reason why a man should accept a woman without a penis because every straight man knows "real" men like pussy. You will here and read these penis packing she-males claim that the men that date them and enjoy the penis they are packing are straight but if you believe that I have a bridge to Brooklyn I can sell cheap.
Having been married twice and having dated a lot of men I can tell you with certainty they are obsessed with lesbians. Isn't it kind of odd that straight men in dresses with a penis are demanding that lesbians accept them as partners. Do they really believe any of us think they do not want to use their penis? A lesbian friend of mine said to me she was appalled when lesbians wanted to use a strapon because that was male to her and she does not want dick.
These trans assholes have even created the term "trans-misogyny" which seems to be some special form of misogyny only certain "trans" people face. Now that is interesting.
Another interesting case of transgender misogyny towards women is the state of affairs when a married man decides he is "trans" and stuns his wife and transitions. In there bizarre world the woman is supposed to support her "husband" as he transitions ans then accept him as their "wife" afterwards which escapes my sense of reality. Christine Benvenuto lived this nightmare and actually had her husband go to court for custody of a daughter because he could teach her better about being feminine. As Penn and teller would say, "I shit you not!"
The wife is the problem in many cases and not them. Those that are truly women understand what they are doing and are incredibly sympathetic and try and make it as easy as they can for the wife. The rest are misogynistic pigs preying on a woman when they have beaten her down.
The twitter rape case is another example of the transgender misogyny at work. A woman will almost always side with the woman because we know how easy it is for a man to prey on us. It does not mean we prejudge the man but we sympathize with the woman because we are women and I will add one tidbit to that case. For a judge to set bail at $350,000 there is more than smoke there but per usual the trans activists are quiet about this case as they follow the , "hear no evil, speak no evil, and see no evil", when it comes to anything relating to transgender life.
Anyone read any of them commenting the the trans rapist in Toronto? Anyone read about then commenting on the 36 year old transgender woman that sodomized a 16 year old boy with her functional dick? Anyone read about the trans prisoner in England that had to be removed from a female prison because he was screwing every woman in there that wanted it?
Of course not. They will condemn Jared Leto for his amazing performance in Dallas Buyers Club because they think a certain 6-3 inch she-male should have played the role and were outraged that Calpernia Addams consulted on the movie. They will sign a petition for Carmen Carrera to model for Victoria Secret even though she has a dick. They will be outraged because someone asked the simple question about the surgical status like Katie Couric or will scream bloody murder when Janet Mock is asked about the simple fact she was born male and cannot understand the only fucking reason she was on that show is because she was a beautiful black sex change because other than that she has limited talent based on her writing skills.
They will be outraged when kids are outraged over colleen Francis displaying his dick and balls in a woman's sauna. The truth of the matter is the Ultimate misogynistic act in the last 50 years is the transgender movement and nobody has the courage to say so.
Friday, February 21, 2014
Transgender Rapist in Toronto and Montreal
Remember when all the transgender activists claimed there has never been a case where someone identifying as transgender has ever hurt anyone when allowed into women's spaces? Many of us said laws that d not require someone to be under care and on hormones to identify as transgender are dangerous. Well a bird has certainly come home to roost in Canada and women have been raped and molested by a serial rapist who "claimed" he was transgender and by "law" was required he be allowed into women's shelters etc..
Christopher "Jessica" Hambrock claimed he was a transgender woman and was thus not required to prove he was under care, had actually transitioned, or god forbid actually be taking female hormones. He committed these acts which are the only ones they know of in Montreal and Toronto and in all cases used his so-called "transgender" status to access the women in shelters and similar places.
The Toronto Sun posted this story last weekend saying Toby's Law needs to be corrected and said the following.
This story has conveniently been ignored by all the activists but I expect Babara Hall will be demonstrating for Mr Hambrock to get his treatment in jail since I am sure he will claim he is transgender and even though experts say he isn't it is his decision after all. I do wonder why nobody has mentioned it but then I am sure the Toronto Sun is making this up like that poor elderly woman in Toronto who was ravaged when she claimed she was flashed by a transgender man in a female space. Would any f you like to possibly reevaluate that situation. Of course not.
The story about Hambrock is found in this Toronto Sun article which describes his purely evil intentions.
Christopher "Jessica" Hambrock claimed he was a transgender woman and was thus not required to prove he was under care, had actually transitioned, or god forbid actually be taking female hormones. He committed these acts which are the only ones they know of in Montreal and Toronto and in all cases used his so-called "transgender" status to access the women in shelters and similar places.
Hambrook, 37, pleaded guilty in February 2013 to two counts of sexual assault and one count of criminal harassment involving two women — a deaf and homeless Quebec woman and a Toronto survivor of domestic violence — while he was living at a Dundas St. W. shelter and the Fred Victor women’s shelter in January and February 2012.The problem is Mr. Hambrock was not transgender and was obviously mentally ill but under laws passed the shelter's had no basis to prevent him from demanding access if they had beds available and Hambrock preyed on the vulnerable and desperate women in the shelters including one woman who was a victim of domestic violence.
The Toronto Sun posted this story last weekend saying Toby's Law needs to be corrected and said the following.
Any man who claims to be a transgender woman has the legal right to use women-only facilities with impunity.
It’s a right enshrined in law for 15 years and reinforced in 2012 by “Toby’s Law.”
A man who still has all his male parts, and is not undergoing hormone treatment, can simply say he’s a woman and access women’s facilities.
It’s championed by Barbara Hall, head of the Ontario Human Rights Commission.I wonder if Barbara Hall of the Human Rights Commission would like to rethink her comment but somehow I doubt she has the humanity to do that since she has been busy demonstrating for convicted felons rights to have estrogen and surgery while Canadians that are honest hard working citizens have to wait along with these assholes.
In a letter on her website, in response to a Toronto Star article about a transgender “woman” exposing male genitalia to a woman in a gym change room, Hall said such stories are fear mongering.
“We have never seen a documented case of a heterosexual man gaining access to a woman’s change room by posing as transgender. In fact, in washrooms and change rooms, and in society at large, transgender persons are more at risk than anyone else of being harassed, abused, assaulted, or even killed,” Hall said in her letter.
The shocking case of Christopher Hambrook shows just how wrong Hall is.
Hambrook was not transgender, but used the law to prey on the most vulnerable women in our midst -- the homeless, the disabled and people living in shelters.
Calling himself “Jessica,” Hambrook was accepted into two women’s shelters in Toronto.
Imagine the shock of a woman surviving domestic abuse and finding herself sharing a room with a sexual monster.
This story has conveniently been ignored by all the activists but I expect Babara Hall will be demonstrating for Mr Hambrock to get his treatment in jail since I am sure he will claim he is transgender and even though experts say he isn't it is his decision after all. I do wonder why nobody has mentioned it but then I am sure the Toronto Sun is making this up like that poor elderly woman in Toronto who was ravaged when she claimed she was flashed by a transgender man in a female space. Would any f you like to possibly reevaluate that situation. Of course not.
The story about Hambrock is found in this Toronto Sun article which describes his purely evil intentions.
Gender Politics Gone Mad
An employee of a catering company in Oregon is suing the company because she is "gender-neutral" and neither make nor female, she is physically female, because employees called her by female names such as lady, miss, little lady despite the fact she identifies as neither. Somehow I guess they were supposed to use "they" or maybe"it" as an identifier.
She asked the management to address all the employees and inform them that they should use gender-neutral something or other and the claim is the management did not. They are asking for over $18K in wages and $500K in damages.
She claims to be part of the LGBTQ but I am unsure where "it" fits in other than well I actually have no clue. Supposedly the plaintiff cried at work and home regularly because of this inhumane treatment. I have only one thing to say.
It is tough enough for those transitioning to gain acceptance and then we have some dipshit like this who is an obvious money grab with some frivolous lawsuit.She was upset because she was not addressed as "it" or "they"? This just proves my point that the Transgender activists and the Transgender followers do not care one bit about the results of their actions when it may harm those that will actually transition and live as women and I am actually including the non TS here because they are harmed by this.
I cannot wait to read how Sandeen and other activists claim she has the right to be an "it" which of course screws with the entire transgender paradigm because just how do you cross to "it"?
Maybe "it" can claim she is a chicken and demand to be called "cluck cluck" or maybe a jackass and be called "heehaw" which kind of fits perfectly/
What a crock but here is betting Oregon screws over the company and "it" gets paid. Is it really possible to discrimante against an "it"?
She asked the management to address all the employees and inform them that they should use gender-neutral something or other and the claim is the management did not. They are asking for over $18K in wages and $500K in damages.
She claims to be part of the LGBTQ but I am unsure where "it" fits in other than well I actually have no clue. Supposedly the plaintiff cried at work and home regularly because of this inhumane treatment. I have only one thing to say.
It is tough enough for those transitioning to gain acceptance and then we have some dipshit like this who is an obvious money grab with some frivolous lawsuit.She was upset because she was not addressed as "it" or "they"? This just proves my point that the Transgender activists and the Transgender followers do not care one bit about the results of their actions when it may harm those that will actually transition and live as women and I am actually including the non TS here because they are harmed by this.
I cannot wait to read how Sandeen and other activists claim she has the right to be an "it" which of course screws with the entire transgender paradigm because just how do you cross to "it"?
Maybe "it" can claim she is a chicken and demand to be called "cluck cluck" or maybe a jackass and be called "heehaw" which kind of fits perfectly/
What a crock but here is betting Oregon screws over the company and "it" gets paid. Is it really possible to discrimante against an "it"?
Saturday, February 15, 2014
More on Janet Mock
In have been reading a lot of the stuff posted in support of Janet and what Mock has now claimed in retrospect and it suddenly dawned on me Janet Mock was a victim created by herself because she calls herself transgender. Why is that? Let me expplain.
If she identified as transsexual she would actually have a better case in my mind because a transsexual is someone who changes sex regardless of what some would want you to believe. If you define yourself as transgender then unfortunately for you your genitalia are fair game because 97% of the transgender umbrella do NOT CHANGE SEX and keep their male parts. Any interviewer will ask because it is relevant although Janet Mock now falls clearly in the camp of the race baiters like Monica Roberts and Laverne cox where if you question them you are a racist.
They label Morgan both transphobic and racist based on those interviews in an attempt to again obfuscate and blur the lines between those born transsexual and the transvestites , cross-dressers,and drag queens that run rampant within the transgender movement and are pushing for the same rights as women and for the right to call themselves women/female while maintaining and using male genitalia in the manner they see fit. Nobody is allowed to question this because as men they ge to define when they are women and when they may not want to be women such as at the pay windowor the employment office.
Writing a memoir at 29 is in a way egotistical because other than a sex change at 18 what has she accomplished in her life even as a trans activist? I can think of dozens of people that have more compelling stories and had not one single advantage as a kid and did what Mock has done and then went on to lead amazing lives where they were icons in their fields yet unknown as trans.I guess it is better to be a nobody with a little writing talent and the smarts to trick a Piers Morgan into interviewing you and then promoting said interview as an ambush, transphobic, and racist in order to promote book sales and yourself.
I liked Janet Mock and thought she would possibly be a good example for kids but I believe I was wrong now. She cheapened everything that those born transsexual go through in an attempt to satisfy the loony toons wing of the transgender movement. Labeling someone a bigot is a horrible thing to do and it is particularly egregious when the individual is not.Piers Morgan is neither transphobic or a racist yet he has been labeled as both.
I did not think Morgan focused on Mock's SRS but it is relevant to her memoir as was her relationship with Aaron. The real problem might have been that Morgan actually has a clue that transgender includes transvestites, cross-dressers, and drag queens who have male genitalia and prefer thir genitalia which defines them as men regardless of what they claim. The point here is that is why Mock was bitching because that defines her penis packing pals for what they are whic is drag queens, she-males, etc..
When you are promoting the transgender mantra transition and SRS are not items to be discussed because they are not relevant to the vast majority under the umbrella term but if you can confuse the information you cn make people believe transgender implies sex change which it most certainly does not.
In the fantasy world Mock seems to live in nowadays her transition was not a big thing nor was her finding an understanding man after her SRS yet she lies through her teeth and claims she wants to help the young transsexuals and believe me SRS and boyfriends are more than just importantexcept in the new world Mock seems to live in.
Her attempt at denying the truths of her life denigrates everyone born transsexual. Bet you didn't know that nightmare when you transitioned is not important. Neither is the SRS that made you whole. What is important is to uphold the rights of men in dresses to live their pathetic fantasies where they believe their 7 inch neoclit is taken as a clitoris by the "straight" boyfriend who likes to suck her neoclit (wink, wink). Mock is being abused by men and she cannot see it but promotes their issues blindly.
Has she ever wondered how her boyfriend Aaron would have reacted if she told him she had a penis but it was really a neoclit? Of course she would never think that because she was always a little girl even though she was born a boy as I was. We both fixed it yet mock believes the only thing she should have talked about on the Piers Morgan show was transgender issues where she could spout the transgender line in order to support the men. I can think of nothing more misogynistic than that yet somehow Morgan is the villian as are others who supported Morgan who just tried to do his job.
Now Mock is claiming Morgan called her a "man" to her face which I find 100% unbelievable. I am certain Morgan will avoid trans issues completely after this just like Rosanne Barr,Katie Couric and any other person in the media. The first rule when you are being interviewed is that the person being interviewed does not control the interview.If Mock wanted to avoid those questions she and her "trans" pals did not like she should have avoided the interview but then she needs to sell "Redefining Realness" which in a way is kind of accurate if she simply replaced "Realness" with "Reality" but then again any title is better tha her first thought of "Fish Food" which is about what her transgender bullshit is good for.
Maybe she can write a sequel called "Redefining Bullshit" when she actually wakes up and smells the roses and realizes she is being used but then Miss Mock does not seem to have the capacity to think for herself or even for that matter on her feet as her two interviews with Piers Morgan proved.
If she identified as transsexual she would actually have a better case in my mind because a transsexual is someone who changes sex regardless of what some would want you to believe. If you define yourself as transgender then unfortunately for you your genitalia are fair game because 97% of the transgender umbrella do NOT CHANGE SEX and keep their male parts. Any interviewer will ask because it is relevant although Janet Mock now falls clearly in the camp of the race baiters like Monica Roberts and Laverne cox where if you question them you are a racist.
They label Morgan both transphobic and racist based on those interviews in an attempt to again obfuscate and blur the lines between those born transsexual and the transvestites , cross-dressers,and drag queens that run rampant within the transgender movement and are pushing for the same rights as women and for the right to call themselves women/female while maintaining and using male genitalia in the manner they see fit. Nobody is allowed to question this because as men they ge to define when they are women and when they may not want to be women such as at the pay windowor the employment office.
Writing a memoir at 29 is in a way egotistical because other than a sex change at 18 what has she accomplished in her life even as a trans activist? I can think of dozens of people that have more compelling stories and had not one single advantage as a kid and did what Mock has done and then went on to lead amazing lives where they were icons in their fields yet unknown as trans.I guess it is better to be a nobody with a little writing talent and the smarts to trick a Piers Morgan into interviewing you and then promoting said interview as an ambush, transphobic, and racist in order to promote book sales and yourself.
I liked Janet Mock and thought she would possibly be a good example for kids but I believe I was wrong now. She cheapened everything that those born transsexual go through in an attempt to satisfy the loony toons wing of the transgender movement. Labeling someone a bigot is a horrible thing to do and it is particularly egregious when the individual is not.Piers Morgan is neither transphobic or a racist yet he has been labeled as both.
I did not think Morgan focused on Mock's SRS but it is relevant to her memoir as was her relationship with Aaron. The real problem might have been that Morgan actually has a clue that transgender includes transvestites, cross-dressers, and drag queens who have male genitalia and prefer thir genitalia which defines them as men regardless of what they claim. The point here is that is why Mock was bitching because that defines her penis packing pals for what they are whic is drag queens, she-males, etc..
When you are promoting the transgender mantra transition and SRS are not items to be discussed because they are not relevant to the vast majority under the umbrella term but if you can confuse the information you cn make people believe transgender implies sex change which it most certainly does not.
In the fantasy world Mock seems to live in nowadays her transition was not a big thing nor was her finding an understanding man after her SRS yet she lies through her teeth and claims she wants to help the young transsexuals and believe me SRS and boyfriends are more than just importantexcept in the new world Mock seems to live in.
Her attempt at denying the truths of her life denigrates everyone born transsexual. Bet you didn't know that nightmare when you transitioned is not important. Neither is the SRS that made you whole. What is important is to uphold the rights of men in dresses to live their pathetic fantasies where they believe their 7 inch neoclit is taken as a clitoris by the "straight" boyfriend who likes to suck her neoclit (wink, wink). Mock is being abused by men and she cannot see it but promotes their issues blindly.
Has she ever wondered how her boyfriend Aaron would have reacted if she told him she had a penis but it was really a neoclit? Of course she would never think that because she was always a little girl even though she was born a boy as I was. We both fixed it yet mock believes the only thing she should have talked about on the Piers Morgan show was transgender issues where she could spout the transgender line in order to support the men. I can think of nothing more misogynistic than that yet somehow Morgan is the villian as are others who supported Morgan who just tried to do his job.
Now Mock is claiming Morgan called her a "man" to her face which I find 100% unbelievable. I am certain Morgan will avoid trans issues completely after this just like Rosanne Barr,Katie Couric and any other person in the media. The first rule when you are being interviewed is that the person being interviewed does not control the interview.If Mock wanted to avoid those questions she and her "trans" pals did not like she should have avoided the interview but then she needs to sell "Redefining Realness" which in a way is kind of accurate if she simply replaced "Realness" with "Reality" but then again any title is better tha her first thought of "Fish Food" which is about what her transgender bullshit is good for.
Maybe she can write a sequel called "Redefining Bullshit" when she actually wakes up and smells the roses and realizes she is being used but then Miss Mock does not seem to have the capacity to think for herself or even for that matter on her feet as her two interviews with Piers Morgan proved.
Thursday, February 6, 2014
Janet Mock vs Piers Morgan or Much Ado About Nothing
Janet Mock is an incredibly beautiful young woman from NYC whoa happens to have been born transsexual. The first time I read of her was in the Marie Claire piece in 2011. It was an article by Janet Mock as told to Kierna Mayo.In it Mock clearly identifies as transsexual and the word transgender is never and I mean never used. The simple fact is that Janet was born transsexual and was only transgender if included under its umbrella.
Her story was inspirational and poignant and in her Blog she mentioned writing her life story in a book called "Fish Food" which evolved into "Redefining Realness" which I have not read but will. It has just been published and Janet Mock scored a major coup with a recorded interview with Piers Morgan of CNN on his National evening Show. I watched the interview Tuesday evening and thought it was okay considering the subject and the participants.
On Tuesday evening after the interview aired Janet Mock was on Buzzfeed claiming Morgan sensationalized her story and failed to discuss trans issues in this comment.
The question I have is what did Mock think was going to happen? The salient part of this story is that Janet was born transsexual and a boy and survived this to overcome this as she realized she was always a girl and had SRS at 18 and moved to NYC and met this gorgeous guy and they love each other and she faced what all heterosexual post-op transsexuals do which is how the heck do I tell a guy without getting killed?
Morgan was deferential and exceedingly complimentary towards Janet and to be honest I think he was kind to her because I would have asked some pointed questions about certain inconsistencies in her self portrayal which I will get to a little later.
What happened to Piers Morgan after the Tuesday interview was typical of the people running the trans activist community. Salon published an article by Katie McDonough that relates the Katie Couric interview with the Mock interview which claims that anatomy and transition are somehow not relevant which is a very large pile of horseshit. It seems that the fact Mock had a sex change and actually transitioned are not relevant because the issues that need discussing involve something other than Mock's sex change and transition which is an even bigger pile of horseshit unless you understand where these people are coming from.
Mock is a permanent wet dream for every man in a dress if they can get her to devolve herself into their mindset that her sex change was not important and her transition was not important because the issues involve the larger fraternity of the "men in dresses" that want legitimacy. It is why they call themselves transgender and refuse to use cross-dresser or transvestite or even drag queen. Personally I wish not a one of them even the slightest harm and could care less what they do in their everyday life except when it infringes on what those born transsexual go through.
Read the Marie Claire article and other writings by Mock and her SRS was the primary goal in her life but somehow that has changed and anatomy is unimportant as she attempted to promote in the Wednesday re-interview where Mock was shall we say less than stellar. Morgan was incensed that he was savaged in the media and on twitter in the now infamous style of the crazies that seem to percolate to the top of the transgender community. He was savaged in the same manner as Rosanne Barr who had the unmitigated gall to side with girls that a man, Colleen Francis, and his hairy balls and dick should not be present and viewable where a high school swim team was present. Her life was threatened and worse.
The savaging of Morgan is not up to those standards but it is approaching it. Morgan is like most in the real world. He assumes that transgender means transsexual. What a very silly man he is. Transgender means transvestites and cross-dressers claiming to be the same as those born transsexual. Obfuscate the truth and the truth is obfuscated and skewed towards the falseness of what is transgender.
Some where along her path Mock became an acolyte of the transgender mafia and her view of herself has changed. She is no longer a woman but a trans-woman which is something other than a woman. That is what transvestites and cross-dressers are yet Janet Mock is somehow blinded by this.
Her new pals have stolen the stories of those born transsexual and fitted them to themselves. Somehow a transvestite or cross-dresser always knew they were feminine and some even claim girls at very young ages while others had late onset delusions which are just as relevant as those of us born transsexual. weareallthe same after all.
In the Marie Claire article she said she worked in a Boutique and lost her virginity to a boy at 17 and swore she would never do that kind of sex again and even on Piers' show said she has dated boys since she was 16. In her memoir I am guessing she discusses her claim of working as a sex worker on Merchant Street in Honolulu which was the subject of an HBO documentary. That kind of debunks the Boutique and the lost virginity story but It rings as true as that story but why mislead others in 2011? Mock now claims she was sexually abused which again I can understand since I was raped at 14 but I will know more after I read her biography.
The irony here is that when she first went public Janet Mock was a heroine who had overcome insurmountable obstacles to become the woman she should have been born as but suddenly today Janet Mock has become a "victim"and a professional one at that.One does need those street credentials if one wants to hang around with the professional victims line Laverne Cox, Monica Roberts and their ilk and playing the race card helps a lot in that world.
These loons crucified Katie Couric because she dared ask about anatomy and they are crucifying Piers Morgan because he openly asked those questions and Janet Mock willingly answered them. If you are it and proudly trans those are perfectly viable questions unless of course you are hiding something which many of them are.
In truth there is nothing special about Janet Mock and her story.There are thousands of us born transsexual that faced similar situations and managed to survive in lot worse circumstances but chose to live our lives as women without notoriety. Mock claims she wants to help girls like her which is noble but girls like her and girls like I was as a child are driven to our sex changes like a moth is attracted to a flame. It defines our sex and must be fixed and Janet made statements like that before but now she has fallen under the spell of the transgendered.
If you try and tell me you knew you were a girl at 5 but somehow you made it to 50 and want to transition but do not want SRS I have one word for you. BULLSHIT!! It is part of the giant lie that transgenderism is built around. The sad thing is people like Janet Mock have lost site of this and have fallen "victim" to the transgender lie. In a way Piers Morgan, Katie Couric, and Rosanne Barr also fell victim to the transgender lie in their own sad ways because they dared ask questions that are pointed or they dared side against the transgendered. It is something many others that cross the men that run transgender activism have felt.
When I was in NYC before and after I lost a man I loved because i did not know how to tell him I did several radio shows and two television shows outside NYC. I was asked those pointed questions and I answered them because I thought it might help people understand how rough it was for kids like me. Sometimes it worked and sometimes it got ugly but when you subject yourself to that scrutiny it is something to be expected.
For Janet Mock to make the statements she has made about Piers Morgan and to allow the nastiness that has occurred and claim she was "blindsided" is disingenuous at best and plain stupidity if not. My guess is the "girls" she hangs out with were upset with what she said and Mock reacted in this manner to maintain her credibility within the transgender community because after all they are the ones that will buy her book. I bet Laverne Cox was pissed because she discussed her anatomy/sex change because to Cox that is certainly not relevant or so it seems. I wonder if Laverne is as proud of her 7 inch neoclit as Monica Roberts is?
Will the next victim of the transgender brigade be Jazz when she admits she cannot wait for her SRS? How dare she talk about the horrors those born transsexual see when we look at that part of our anatomy. We should embrace it like they do but how do you embrace what you hate and want rid of as Janet Mock clearly stated in her earlier musings which she now claims were taken out of context. I wonder how it feels to be a trained pet of the transgendered? They truly are like the Borg because they assimilate and resistance is futile if you have no courage.
Her story was inspirational and poignant and in her Blog she mentioned writing her life story in a book called "Fish Food" which evolved into "Redefining Realness" which I have not read but will. It has just been published and Janet Mock scored a major coup with a recorded interview with Piers Morgan of CNN on his National evening Show. I watched the interview Tuesday evening and thought it was okay considering the subject and the participants.
On Tuesday evening after the interview aired Janet Mock was on Buzzfeed claiming Morgan sensationalized her story and failed to discuss trans issues in this comment.
“He’s trying to do info-tainment,” Mock told BuzzFeed Tuesday night. “He doesn’t really want to talk about trans issues, he wants to sensationalize my life and not really talk about the work that I do and what the purpose of me writing this book was about.”
The question I have is what did Mock think was going to happen? The salient part of this story is that Janet was born transsexual and a boy and survived this to overcome this as she realized she was always a girl and had SRS at 18 and moved to NYC and met this gorgeous guy and they love each other and she faced what all heterosexual post-op transsexuals do which is how the heck do I tell a guy without getting killed?
Morgan was deferential and exceedingly complimentary towards Janet and to be honest I think he was kind to her because I would have asked some pointed questions about certain inconsistencies in her self portrayal which I will get to a little later.
What happened to Piers Morgan after the Tuesday interview was typical of the people running the trans activist community. Salon published an article by Katie McDonough that relates the Katie Couric interview with the Mock interview which claims that anatomy and transition are somehow not relevant which is a very large pile of horseshit. It seems that the fact Mock had a sex change and actually transitioned are not relevant because the issues that need discussing involve something other than Mock's sex change and transition which is an even bigger pile of horseshit unless you understand where these people are coming from.
Mock is a permanent wet dream for every man in a dress if they can get her to devolve herself into their mindset that her sex change was not important and her transition was not important because the issues involve the larger fraternity of the "men in dresses" that want legitimacy. It is why they call themselves transgender and refuse to use cross-dresser or transvestite or even drag queen. Personally I wish not a one of them even the slightest harm and could care less what they do in their everyday life except when it infringes on what those born transsexual go through.
Read the Marie Claire article and other writings by Mock and her SRS was the primary goal in her life but somehow that has changed and anatomy is unimportant as she attempted to promote in the Wednesday re-interview where Mock was shall we say less than stellar. Morgan was incensed that he was savaged in the media and on twitter in the now infamous style of the crazies that seem to percolate to the top of the transgender community. He was savaged in the same manner as Rosanne Barr who had the unmitigated gall to side with girls that a man, Colleen Francis, and his hairy balls and dick should not be present and viewable where a high school swim team was present. Her life was threatened and worse.
The savaging of Morgan is not up to those standards but it is approaching it. Morgan is like most in the real world. He assumes that transgender means transsexual. What a very silly man he is. Transgender means transvestites and cross-dressers claiming to be the same as those born transsexual. Obfuscate the truth and the truth is obfuscated and skewed towards the falseness of what is transgender.
Some where along her path Mock became an acolyte of the transgender mafia and her view of herself has changed. She is no longer a woman but a trans-woman which is something other than a woman. That is what transvestites and cross-dressers are yet Janet Mock is somehow blinded by this.
Her new pals have stolen the stories of those born transsexual and fitted them to themselves. Somehow a transvestite or cross-dresser always knew they were feminine and some even claim girls at very young ages while others had late onset delusions which are just as relevant as those of us born transsexual. weareallthe same after all.
In the Marie Claire article she said she worked in a Boutique and lost her virginity to a boy at 17 and swore she would never do that kind of sex again and even on Piers' show said she has dated boys since she was 16. In her memoir I am guessing she discusses her claim of working as a sex worker on Merchant Street in Honolulu which was the subject of an HBO documentary. That kind of debunks the Boutique and the lost virginity story but It rings as true as that story but why mislead others in 2011? Mock now claims she was sexually abused which again I can understand since I was raped at 14 but I will know more after I read her biography.
The irony here is that when she first went public Janet Mock was a heroine who had overcome insurmountable obstacles to become the woman she should have been born as but suddenly today Janet Mock has become a "victim"and a professional one at that.One does need those street credentials if one wants to hang around with the professional victims line Laverne Cox, Monica Roberts and their ilk and playing the race card helps a lot in that world.
These loons crucified Katie Couric because she dared ask about anatomy and they are crucifying Piers Morgan because he openly asked those questions and Janet Mock willingly answered them. If you are it and proudly trans those are perfectly viable questions unless of course you are hiding something which many of them are.
In truth there is nothing special about Janet Mock and her story.There are thousands of us born transsexual that faced similar situations and managed to survive in lot worse circumstances but chose to live our lives as women without notoriety. Mock claims she wants to help girls like her which is noble but girls like her and girls like I was as a child are driven to our sex changes like a moth is attracted to a flame. It defines our sex and must be fixed and Janet made statements like that before but now she has fallen under the spell of the transgendered.
If you try and tell me you knew you were a girl at 5 but somehow you made it to 50 and want to transition but do not want SRS I have one word for you. BULLSHIT!! It is part of the giant lie that transgenderism is built around. The sad thing is people like Janet Mock have lost site of this and have fallen "victim" to the transgender lie. In a way Piers Morgan, Katie Couric, and Rosanne Barr also fell victim to the transgender lie in their own sad ways because they dared ask questions that are pointed or they dared side against the transgendered. It is something many others that cross the men that run transgender activism have felt.
When I was in NYC before and after I lost a man I loved because i did not know how to tell him I did several radio shows and two television shows outside NYC. I was asked those pointed questions and I answered them because I thought it might help people understand how rough it was for kids like me. Sometimes it worked and sometimes it got ugly but when you subject yourself to that scrutiny it is something to be expected.
For Janet Mock to make the statements she has made about Piers Morgan and to allow the nastiness that has occurred and claim she was "blindsided" is disingenuous at best and plain stupidity if not. My guess is the "girls" she hangs out with were upset with what she said and Mock reacted in this manner to maintain her credibility within the transgender community because after all they are the ones that will buy her book. I bet Laverne Cox was pissed because she discussed her anatomy/sex change because to Cox that is certainly not relevant or so it seems. I wonder if Laverne is as proud of her 7 inch neoclit as Monica Roberts is?
Will the next victim of the transgender brigade be Jazz when she admits she cannot wait for her SRS? How dare she talk about the horrors those born transsexual see when we look at that part of our anatomy. We should embrace it like they do but how do you embrace what you hate and want rid of as Janet Mock clearly stated in her earlier musings which she now claims were taken out of context. I wonder how it feels to be a trained pet of the transgendered? They truly are like the Borg because they assimilate and resistance is futile if you have no courage.
Monday, January 20, 2014
A Brainless "Brain" -- The Kosilek Case
Well it seems Michelle Kosilek is back in the news as a Circuit Judge has found Kosilek is being punished as in cruel and unusual punishment for the butchering of his wife over 20 ears ago when he was found guilty of murder in the First Degree and sentenced to Life without any possibility of parole.
Since Kosilek is not in for "rehabilitation" but life I guess one must consider the creature comforts of a cold blooded butcher her garroted his wife so severely he nearly decapitated her and threw her body into the to rot and then called police claiming she was missing. He changed his story so many times it was impossible to keep up.
I will state here that I am opposed to the Death Penalty because all too often it is some poor minority getting gassed, fried , or injected to death without fair representation. The case of Kosilek was open and shut with so much evidence they could have convicted him 10 times over. They in fact arrested him at a Mall purchasing cloths for his female wardrobe since he was a transvestite then and part of the reason her butchered his wife is she was not exactly willing to fund his predilection.
Since Massachusetts does not have the Death Penalty Kosilek received life without parole but even the liberal prosecutor said if there ever was a case where the Death Penalty fit it was this one because it was a cold and calculated butchering of a vibrant young woman that had done not one thing wrong other than marrying a piece of human excrement.
In Walpole State Prison, aka MCI Cedar Junction Kosilek,decided he wanted to be a woman and has fought for 20 years to force the State of Massachusetts to provide said operation. Nobody that butchered his wife should have the right to become a woman. That is the act of a violent man and something that mainly men do to women. That bis a male thing and usually happens when said male is not getting his way.
The Transgender activists have come out in droves in support of Kosilek because they are men supporting another man. Lets be honest here, no woman would support this unless they were Kosilek's attorney which is actually what has happened.
Now the resident Canberra Australia Brain, sarcasm intended, has come out fully supporting Kosilek. In this pathetic post Brain claims that Justice delayed is Justice denied. Is it justice for Cheryl Kosilek? Hardly!!! She is dead and her parents never got to say goodbye. Their son never got to say goodbye. That son lost his mother on that day and has never forgiven his father.
When one receives life without the possibility of parole it is punishment and was never meant for rehabilitation. This case will eventually land in the US Supreme Court and that decision will be final but ironically it is the most liberal of States, Massachusetts, that is fighting this case because it is just wrong. The murder was described by the police as extreme, cruel, and premeditated yet somehow we as a society are supposed to have sympathy for this vile piece of human excrement. Not a chance.
Maybe the solution is to give Kosilek the sex change because then Kosilek will be transferred to MCI Framingham for Women and I am sure the girls there will have an open and welcoming party for a wife murderer which involves a few instruments not formally recognized as available for residents. Kosilek would last less than a week in Framingham. Maybe it is best that women get to deal out the final stroke of "justice" to this piece of garbage.. Somehow that does seem fitting in so many ways.
Since Kosilek is not in for "rehabilitation" but life I guess one must consider the creature comforts of a cold blooded butcher her garroted his wife so severely he nearly decapitated her and threw her body into the to rot and then called police claiming she was missing. He changed his story so many times it was impossible to keep up.
I will state here that I am opposed to the Death Penalty because all too often it is some poor minority getting gassed, fried , or injected to death without fair representation. The case of Kosilek was open and shut with so much evidence they could have convicted him 10 times over. They in fact arrested him at a Mall purchasing cloths for his female wardrobe since he was a transvestite then and part of the reason her butchered his wife is she was not exactly willing to fund his predilection.
Since Massachusetts does not have the Death Penalty Kosilek received life without parole but even the liberal prosecutor said if there ever was a case where the Death Penalty fit it was this one because it was a cold and calculated butchering of a vibrant young woman that had done not one thing wrong other than marrying a piece of human excrement.
In Walpole State Prison, aka MCI Cedar Junction Kosilek,decided he wanted to be a woman and has fought for 20 years to force the State of Massachusetts to provide said operation. Nobody that butchered his wife should have the right to become a woman. That is the act of a violent man and something that mainly men do to women. That bis a male thing and usually happens when said male is not getting his way.
The Transgender activists have come out in droves in support of Kosilek because they are men supporting another man. Lets be honest here, no woman would support this unless they were Kosilek's attorney which is actually what has happened.
Now the resident Canberra Australia Brain, sarcasm intended, has come out fully supporting Kosilek. In this pathetic post Brain claims that Justice delayed is Justice denied. Is it justice for Cheryl Kosilek? Hardly!!! She is dead and her parents never got to say goodbye. Their son never got to say goodbye. That son lost his mother on that day and has never forgiven his father.
When one receives life without the possibility of parole it is punishment and was never meant for rehabilitation. This case will eventually land in the US Supreme Court and that decision will be final but ironically it is the most liberal of States, Massachusetts, that is fighting this case because it is just wrong. The murder was described by the police as extreme, cruel, and premeditated yet somehow we as a society are supposed to have sympathy for this vile piece of human excrement. Not a chance.
Maybe the solution is to give Kosilek the sex change because then Kosilek will be transferred to MCI Framingham for Women and I am sure the girls there will have an open and welcoming party for a wife murderer which involves a few instruments not formally recognized as available for residents. Kosilek would last less than a week in Framingham. Maybe it is best that women get to deal out the final stroke of "justice" to this piece of garbage.. Somehow that does seem fitting in so many ways.
Thursday, January 16, 2014
Chris Christie Vetoes Birth Certificate Change without SRS
The hypocrisy of this entire fiasco just burns me to be blunt. The National Center for Transgender Equality (NCTE) in this post or the mouthpiece for men in dresses is outraged over this failure of Christie to support females with a penis and men with a functioning vagina. I congratulate Christie on his courage for openly making it plain that he does not support birth certificate changes without a sex change.
The NCTE is a rather sinister group in my humble opinion. They are now claiming this ruling is forced sterilization which is the claim used by all men that want to keep their pleasure organ, their dick, while playing at girl and our new found men who immediately act like the selfish men they claim they want to be but want to keep the organs that can give birth. In a way they are being even more misogynistic than the transgendered.
The NCTE has sunk to a new low by bringing children into this issue. The children they are talking about are transsexual and without question will have SRS as soon as possible. I understand the frustration of the parents but having a birth certificate that says female is not a barrier to discrimination or hate for their child. If they want to push for a law that allows these transsexual children to change their birth certificates then I would support that without question. If they wanted to have a provision that allowed people such as hemophiliacs to change their birth certificate I could support but that has never been the issue with these ultra liberal attempts to change the definition of female. It is for the men that want to keep their penis that these bills are put forth.
If your desire is to maintain your penis then why do you need to be represented by a false birth certificate that claims you are female when physically you are obviously NOT? This is a power issue for men pretending to be women and nothing less. If they have that piece of paper then they think they will recognized as female but that is untrue. To everyone, even their sex partners, they will remain something other than female.
Attempting to use children is low even for the NCTE. Remember they are their to protect the rights of men transitioning on the job and have never lifted a hand to support young transsexuals receiving early hormone intervention. They do not give a shit about the kids unless they can use them to promote something for the transvestites and crossdressers that now want to be called transgender. They have never lifted a finger to promote a single thing related to transsexual issues separate from transgender issues which are in most cases diametrically opposed to what a transsexual needs. They support men, not those born transsexual.
They insult everyone born transsexual by attempting to trivialize SRS which is so important to transsexuals. They support the removal of the term transsexual from everyday life because they do not support transsexuals. They post fraudulent studies that have no basis in science or accurate polling like they are the truth.
They scream about "trans" discrimination while they discriminate against those born transsexual by claiming that a penis is the equivalent of a vagina which in turn discriminates against women so by definition they support misogyny because who they support harms women. Like everything transgender they are misogynistic because they support taking protections, rights, and spaces away from women based on the fallacious concept that a penis can be equivalent to a vagina because they say so. I am waiting for their medical discovery that proves this invalid position.
They insult anyone that has needed SRS by claiming it is sterilization or worse only because the very core of their membership love their pathetic dicks.
I have no delusions about all of this because in this new world of political cowardice known as political correctness they will manage to get states to to bow to their wisdom (sic) which is something they have gained from a lifetime of being fucking men. They support the misconception that gender and sex are equivalent which they are most certainly not. They support the lunacy of Gender Confirmation Surgery which is some ethereal concept where the individual seems to get the right to determine what surgery is required to make them female or male. How convenient that is for them and their fellow men.
Change is coming and I am afraid it is going to be a Conservative wind that blows the politically correct back to their delusional and illusory fantasy worlds and unfortunately those born transsexual will be caught up in the backfire of the firestorm because we have somehow become transgendered when none of us ever were.
The irony of the National Center for Transgender Equality is simply that their equality makes women less equal and men more powerful but then isn't that what men want?
The NCTE is a rather sinister group in my humble opinion. They are now claiming this ruling is forced sterilization which is the claim used by all men that want to keep their pleasure organ, their dick, while playing at girl and our new found men who immediately act like the selfish men they claim they want to be but want to keep the organs that can give birth. In a way they are being even more misogynistic than the transgendered.
The NCTE has sunk to a new low by bringing children into this issue. The children they are talking about are transsexual and without question will have SRS as soon as possible. I understand the frustration of the parents but having a birth certificate that says female is not a barrier to discrimination or hate for their child. If they want to push for a law that allows these transsexual children to change their birth certificates then I would support that without question. If they wanted to have a provision that allowed people such as hemophiliacs to change their birth certificate I could support but that has never been the issue with these ultra liberal attempts to change the definition of female. It is for the men that want to keep their penis that these bills are put forth.
If your desire is to maintain your penis then why do you need to be represented by a false birth certificate that claims you are female when physically you are obviously NOT? This is a power issue for men pretending to be women and nothing less. If they have that piece of paper then they think they will recognized as female but that is untrue. To everyone, even their sex partners, they will remain something other than female.
Attempting to use children is low even for the NCTE. Remember they are their to protect the rights of men transitioning on the job and have never lifted a hand to support young transsexuals receiving early hormone intervention. They do not give a shit about the kids unless they can use them to promote something for the transvestites and crossdressers that now want to be called transgender. They have never lifted a finger to promote a single thing related to transsexual issues separate from transgender issues which are in most cases diametrically opposed to what a transsexual needs. They support men, not those born transsexual.
They insult everyone born transsexual by attempting to trivialize SRS which is so important to transsexuals. They support the removal of the term transsexual from everyday life because they do not support transsexuals. They post fraudulent studies that have no basis in science or accurate polling like they are the truth.
They scream about "trans" discrimination while they discriminate against those born transsexual by claiming that a penis is the equivalent of a vagina which in turn discriminates against women so by definition they support misogyny because who they support harms women. Like everything transgender they are misogynistic because they support taking protections, rights, and spaces away from women based on the fallacious concept that a penis can be equivalent to a vagina because they say so. I am waiting for their medical discovery that proves this invalid position.
They insult anyone that has needed SRS by claiming it is sterilization or worse only because the very core of their membership love their pathetic dicks.
I have no delusions about all of this because in this new world of political cowardice known as political correctness they will manage to get states to to bow to their wisdom (sic) which is something they have gained from a lifetime of being fucking men. They support the misconception that gender and sex are equivalent which they are most certainly not. They support the lunacy of Gender Confirmation Surgery which is some ethereal concept where the individual seems to get the right to determine what surgery is required to make them female or male. How convenient that is for them and their fellow men.
Change is coming and I am afraid it is going to be a Conservative wind that blows the politically correct back to their delusional and illusory fantasy worlds and unfortunately those born transsexual will be caught up in the backfire of the firestorm because we have somehow become transgendered when none of us ever were.
The irony of the National Center for Transgender Equality is simply that their equality makes women less equal and men more powerful but then isn't that what men want?
Tuesday, January 14, 2014
Katie Couric, Laverne Cox and Carmen Carrera dispute
The simple truth of the matter is that what is between your legs DOES determine a lot about your station in the world of sexual partners. I found it rather amusing watching the phony reactions of both Cox and Carrera when asked that HORRIBLE question referencing whether they had underwent surgery. Isn't it odd that tow self described activists that went on a television show with Katie Couric and somehow were offended by such a question which is very relevant for anyone that was born transsexual.
The claim that what is down there does not define whether I am a woman or not is total bullshit. Only those that want to retain their penis would ever make such a claim and the reason they keep their 7 inch neoclit is because they enjoy using it in the same way men enjoy using it so how do they come up with the bullshit it doesn't matter? If course it matters and it really matters to those of us that simply wanted to be as we should have been born. Kind of funny how they only want the boobs and the dresses and the heels and the makeup and the wigs but not the vagina. I find that odd but then they need that dick for its intended purpose which is fucking women so they decide to add the additional insult of claiming their penis still allows them to be the same as a woman even if they enjoy its functional purpose. And there you have the entire gist of the Transgender movement of obfuscation.
Katie Couric made the same mistake most Americans make and it is a simple one but a mistake deliberately fostered by the transgender activists. Katie Couric assumed she was talking with two transsexuals who were transgender which is the same as transsexual and everyone knows transsexuals want SRS. So here you have two activists pretending to represent transsexuals, falsely by their actions, who are upset or disturbed by a question involving SRS, aka surgery, when they damn well should have known it would come up.
This is just another ploy in the Transgender Activists agenda to make those born transsexual subservient to the crossdressers and transvestites that control the movement. A penis is important to them because it is their source of pleasure. It is not nor was it ever important to those born transsexual because it is a symbol of the mistake made upon our birth.
Carmen Carrera was a self described gay man before deciding that she was somehow transgender which I find odd in the world she worked in since transsexualism is well understood in that world. There has been a petition going around amongst the transgender crowd to have Victoria Secret use her as a model in their television show. I guess that would be a teaching moment, somehow, if Carrera has not had SRS.
A lot, if not all, of this false outrage goes directly back to the Transgender Activists attempt to redefine what a female is so men can somehow weasel their way into the private areas we women want. Why would an activist not want to discuss this even if they had not had SRS? They had a potential teaching moment but there was a very insidious reason they would not talk about it. Rather than simply say SRS is what some want but may not be relevant for everyone which is a valid point when discussing the transgender umbrella they took the position of dismissing it is not relevant when they both know it is very relevant to many bit in typical transgender disregard for those born transsexual they lumped everyone together. How freaking convenient.
It turns out the question and the subject matter was actually discussed before the show and Carrera was going to answer it but Laverne Cox decided to intervene and answer the question. Now before any of you blow a gasket and claim I have no clue I actually do because I did several radio shows and television when I was in NYC in the early 70's with Harry and I was asked that very question but in more graphic terms several times. I answered it on a local television show in Philadelphia with the simple response that I am a girl and a girl has a vagina and the women in the audience certainly understood that rationale while the men looked rather squeamish like they always do.
There was and is a professional and adult way to answer the question but they both chose not to be forthcoming, which is their right, but it is not their right to misrepresent the facts and imply they were shocked over any question that involved any reference to surgery of any kind because afterall the very reality is that the transgendered want everyone to think they are transsexual but somehow avoid answering the questions that are relevant to being born transsexual. How freaking convenient.
Just another example of the men getting squeamish discussing their precious male genitalia. That fucking thing means only one thing to a transsexual and it is sadness because to us it was or is a horrible mistake.
The claim that what is down there does not define whether I am a woman or not is total bullshit. Only those that want to retain their penis would ever make such a claim and the reason they keep their 7 inch neoclit is because they enjoy using it in the same way men enjoy using it so how do they come up with the bullshit it doesn't matter? If course it matters and it really matters to those of us that simply wanted to be as we should have been born. Kind of funny how they only want the boobs and the dresses and the heels and the makeup and the wigs but not the vagina. I find that odd but then they need that dick for its intended purpose which is fucking women so they decide to add the additional insult of claiming their penis still allows them to be the same as a woman even if they enjoy its functional purpose. And there you have the entire gist of the Transgender movement of obfuscation.
Katie Couric made the same mistake most Americans make and it is a simple one but a mistake deliberately fostered by the transgender activists. Katie Couric assumed she was talking with two transsexuals who were transgender which is the same as transsexual and everyone knows transsexuals want SRS. So here you have two activists pretending to represent transsexuals, falsely by their actions, who are upset or disturbed by a question involving SRS, aka surgery, when they damn well should have known it would come up.
This is just another ploy in the Transgender Activists agenda to make those born transsexual subservient to the crossdressers and transvestites that control the movement. A penis is important to them because it is their source of pleasure. It is not nor was it ever important to those born transsexual because it is a symbol of the mistake made upon our birth.
Carmen Carrera was a self described gay man before deciding that she was somehow transgender which I find odd in the world she worked in since transsexualism is well understood in that world. There has been a petition going around amongst the transgender crowd to have Victoria Secret use her as a model in their television show. I guess that would be a teaching moment, somehow, if Carrera has not had SRS.
A lot, if not all, of this false outrage goes directly back to the Transgender Activists attempt to redefine what a female is so men can somehow weasel their way into the private areas we women want. Why would an activist not want to discuss this even if they had not had SRS? They had a potential teaching moment but there was a very insidious reason they would not talk about it. Rather than simply say SRS is what some want but may not be relevant for everyone which is a valid point when discussing the transgender umbrella they took the position of dismissing it is not relevant when they both know it is very relevant to many bit in typical transgender disregard for those born transsexual they lumped everyone together. How freaking convenient.
It turns out the question and the subject matter was actually discussed before the show and Carrera was going to answer it but Laverne Cox decided to intervene and answer the question. Now before any of you blow a gasket and claim I have no clue I actually do because I did several radio shows and television when I was in NYC in the early 70's with Harry and I was asked that very question but in more graphic terms several times. I answered it on a local television show in Philadelphia with the simple response that I am a girl and a girl has a vagina and the women in the audience certainly understood that rationale while the men looked rather squeamish like they always do.
There was and is a professional and adult way to answer the question but they both chose not to be forthcoming, which is their right, but it is not their right to misrepresent the facts and imply they were shocked over any question that involved any reference to surgery of any kind because afterall the very reality is that the transgendered want everyone to think they are transsexual but somehow avoid answering the questions that are relevant to being born transsexual. How freaking convenient.
Just another example of the men getting squeamish discussing their precious male genitalia. That fucking thing means only one thing to a transsexual and it is sadness because to us it was or is a horrible mistake.
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