Monday, October 28, 2013

Sometimes a Video Just Says It All

Sometimes a Picture is worth a thousand words and other times a video is worth a million times a single word. Below you will find a YouTube video link to an extraordinary video that I have to admit had me in tears and then left me with a wide smile.

I was pointed to this video by an article elsewhere so it was not a discovery of mine. It is a much watch and particularly for someone like Just Jennifer although I doubt Jennifer is capable of understanding its importance.

It was made by a High School student and lasts about 10 minutes. It is well worth your time. Enjoy!!!

Losing Luke


Anonymous said...

That was very touching, thanks for posting that.


Rosenkreuz said...

I cried a bit. I've seen what that looks like, the sullenness, the girl once said that before she realized transiiton was even an option, she literally did not care if she lived or died, because she felt she lived long enough. At 19.

And she's not even Type VI.

What a tragic, debilitating condition. I thank God that, despite the bigots and trolls, society IS becoming more accepting of transsexuals - heaven knows they need it.

Kathryn Dumke said...

What a wonderful documentary. It gives - hope....

Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting an excellent film. There is no way that kid was ever male.

I agree that JJ could never understand how Katie feels - for the simple reason that Katie is a girl, always has been and always will be - unlike JJ who seemed to have an epithany late into middle age and had been very much the guy until suddenly changing.

Thanks for posting it!

The thorn on the English Rose

Anonymous said...

I've held off writing this because I really have no wish to begin yet another controversy. (Sigh) however. I have zero issue with Katie's relationship with Aidin, good luck and bless them both. My question is this; why was Katie at this gay event in the first place. Why was Aidin for that matter. They are clearly attracted to opposite sex ie Katie boys Aidin girls. How is that gay? It isn't . So why the involvement in any gay social event. This has always been my view, transsexual is nothing to do with gay.


Rosenkreuz said...

Because whatever you may think, the LBGT are a "package deal" to most people, including many transitioning transsexuals. Also, rightly or wrongly, transsexuals may see homosexuals, bisexuals, etc as more accepting of their situation so they may reach out to those groups.

I think this is a minor quibble at this point.

Anonymous said...

I'm always baffled at people who don't get it, that somebody like Katie is a girl, a girl to her core, and can only live successfully as the girl that she is. She's just being herself.

I also sometimes feel slightly jealous at being able to transition so young, but then I remember that I wasn't a heck of a lot older myself. It was just a long time ago...

Anonymous said...

@Rosenkreuz In many ways yes it is a minor quibble and yes many do reach out to gay groups and communities because they are mainly compassionate about our plight. I owe my life to a gay friend and that's a fact. The danger and I think its a real danger is that male to female transsexuals become seen as simply extreme gay men and can never escape the male tag. Not helpful when we form relationships with straight partners.


Anonymous said...

This is what the LGB wants, they want people like us to have no place to turn but to them. They want the political power our number represent to them.


Rosenkreuz said...

But what political power? The LGB is far more numerous, has far more money, far more political pull, while transsexuals are at most 0.005% (1 in 5000 at the highest reliable estimate, 1 in 30000 at the low end) of the population and many if not most of you are in deep stealth.

Sure the autogynephiles see transsexuals as a political wedge for an extreme agenda because the idea of a young girl with a debilitating endocrine medical condition is sympathetic while a middle aged man in a dress is not. But I don't see where LBGs come into play.

Anonymous said...


Are we really so numerous that our alliance would increase the social power of any other group?

Genuinely curious here -- I'm happily married, haven't the slightest interest in getting mixed-up in any sort of numbers game, and continue to suspect that most of us simply want to get on with our lives.

Yours cordially,

an anonymous elfchick who's had 35 good years thus far ^_^

Kathryn Dumke said...

I think what NYF means is that the mere fact that we are counted among them increases the political clout they appear to have. It's really not so much about the numbers. It's about the appearance of an alliance.

And conversely it's often why we tend to stay away from the them.

Anonymous said...

Keep in mind, the term transsexual legitimizes the transvestites and autogynephiles, the GLB wants more numbers, that is all they want transsexuals for, you can tell that by how much effort they put behind ENDA, like zero zip nadda.....

It is like how the RINOs tried to hijack the real tea party in this country. What I mean by real tea party are the Ron Paul republicans, and the Libertarians. The only difference is the Queers succeeded in hijacking the term TS and we went from the perception of "oh your not gay" to "oh you are part of the gay community".


Anonymous said...

I am not convinced the L-G leadership wants anything to do with men in dresses who represent more of a political liability than not.

On the other hand TG activists desperately seek this alliance as a means to piggy back onto the hard won progress and growing acceptance of gays.

In the same way, these cowards endeavor to hide beneath the skirts of successful, assimilated women and young girls.

Anon. Elf Chick is absolutely correct. The overwhelming majority of us want nothing to do with anything related to, or associated with tg politics. Why would we?

Anonymous said...

In the mean time I've learned that PJI have been able to find two students in Florence Colerado who are prepared to lodge complaints and a court action against our Jane Doe there. They will say they are "uncomfortable" that a male is in the female areas. I pray this girl will find the strength and courage to endure this bigoted action. More than that I hope the courts will see the injustice that would be perpetrated.


Anonymous said...

It's true in my case (which is the only one for which I might fairly speak), that I want nothing at all to do with TG politics. Which is not to say, of course, that I'd be willing to condemn others for choosing differently. All it boils down to, in the end, is that I sorted all of this stuff out back when I was 18, and nowadays my **grandchildren** are older than 18, and their children want to dig into these issues as they come of age, well, they're welcome to it, and this particular Nana will always be willing to listen, even if I have no comment of my own to add.

In the meantime, we continue to help young people, anonymously, as the opportunity arises. It's the same principle that leads the artists of sacred works to leave them unsigned.

Pay it forward, always.


your friendly far-away anonymous elfchick

Anonymous said...

I cannot speak for either of the two in the video but I take grievous offense at claims related to the gay and lesbian community. That IS home for some of us and the very fact that it IS home was a stumbling block with the gatekeepers in the not to distant past. That sole issue prevented complete medical care when I was in my teens and instead delayed it until I was into my early 20's.

I'm there (as are others) not because I was born with a debilitating medical condition but because I AM lesbian. I knew I was lesbian from my earliest years of knowing what relationships were.

The gay and lesbian powers that be really don't want shit to do with the current crop of tee-gee whacktivists (who would?) and I have no objection to the gay and lesbian powers that be casting trans to the side. Coat-tail politics are not something I believe to be appropriate but that is what Frye, et al have been trying to do for more than 20 years. It has become far more pronounced in the age of the internet and the age of the current mid-life crisis du jour being to decide after a life of privilege as a male that, "oh gee...maybe life was all wrong and I am really a wife and kids will just have to deal with it."