Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Zoe Brain has a new lie for the wife.

Well folks the loon train officially known as Zoe E Brain has officially passed delusional and headed straight for complete BULLSHIT LIAR of the century. The following comment from Zoe is below with a link to the editorial where she made her new claim.

Zoe Brain 21 March 2012 at 9:52 am #
Several states don’t allow any change to birth certificates, even after surgery. Even for some who are born Intersex.
Does the admin really think it would be safe for a woman to be compelled to use male facilities, just because they have an erroneous birth certificate?
I’m in that situation, by the way. Intersex, biologically female (according to my Ob/Gyn Hanyway) but with a birth certificate that says “boy”.

I am probably going to get a friend really pissed at me but sorry sis this story needs to be told. In her ongoing efforts to convince both her wife and kids that her "sex change" was needed we have the following from Zoe Brain.

1. Suddenly she suddenly feminized for NO reason at all.  

This did not happen because it is impossible at his age at the time unless he worked in an estrogen factory and walked around sticking his head in every vat. Zoe did not.

2. Zoe then claimed to be intersex and thus "better" than other transsexuals since she claimed she was 46XY. 

Zoe was talking with a friend of mine who playfully said if she "actually did" suddenly feminize that maybe Zoe was intersex. The very next day her blog A.E. Brain had her claim of being intersex without ever seeing a doctor. Initially the claim was 47XXY but that has changed. Zoe is so dense she is unable to realize that being a male 46XY in no way implies you are either female or transsexual. She was never tested and I would gladly retract this if she provided medical evidence of such a condition.

3. Zoe claims on her blog she is a Rocket Scientist. She is a liar about that. Zoe is a or was a Software Engineer and is studying for a Doctorate according to her in Computer Science.  Korolov, the father of the Russian Space program,  was a Rocket Scientist. Von Braun was a Rocket Scientist. Zoe Brain is a liar and bullshit artist.

4. Zoe now claims that she is biologically female which is complete and total BULLSHIT

Physically she has had a sex change but like all of us Zoe is not biologically female and this comment is another in her long lines of total BULLSHIT.  In order to be biologically female she would need a uterus and the correct internal plumbing which she does NOT HAVE since Zoe fathered multiple children as a man. 

Zoe's personal delusion is part of her long standing attempt to prove she had no choice but to change sex later in life. Not being satisfied to just be a transsexual she needed to be something special so her wife would understand. I mean what woman would not feel bad for a man that suddenly found out such traumatic news. 

Alan Brain to his wife:
"Sweetie I am not a man. I am not a man trapped in a woman's body like all those other late transitioners. This sudden feminization we have seen is because i am really biologically a female and the fact I fathered our children is a such that makes me a scientific miracle. Do you realize how lucky you are to be married to me?"

Well isn't that just precious. Zoe is now biologically female. Wow, I guess that sudden feminization ran amok!  Zoe lost his balls and prick and suddenly grew the necessary plumbing to be considered biologically female.  It goes right with her S.A.G.E score she posted on her blog. 

For those not in the know S.A.G.E was created by transvestites for transvestites to find out who was a better transvestite. One of the questions is about two trains starting from a certain place and given a speed and distance what point on tracks did they pass. I guess if you can answer it you are not a woman.

In so many ways I do so pity this delusional assholes wife. Zoe's story has changed so many times and been altered and modified I am not shocked she cannot keep it straight but to claim on a college paper that she was intersex and a biologically female by her Ob/Gyn and is appalled she still has a boy birth certificate is  Zoe lives in New South Wales in Australia in the city of Canberra and the link below is the New South Wales process for changing birth certificate.  I believe the policy is consistent throughout Australia so this is another potential Zoe fib.

I must admit the shock of reading that caused me to re-read it many times but this nitwit has gone too far this time.


Anonymous said...

Context on "her" comment for those interested:

Several US states, not applicableto her in the first place, since she doesn't live in the US, but ok.

She's in "that" situation for one of two reasons:

One, because she was not born in Australia, or two (and this isthe real reason) because she won't devorce the wife and Aus does not legally recognize "same sex" marriages. If it is Aus laws she's complaining about, then essentially she has a male BC by her own choice.

Nicky said...

As far as Zoe Alan brain is concerned, Zoe is an Intersex wannabe and a transsexual in deep denial. Zoe has been online constantly trying to claim to people that he's intersex. Zoe has been trying to pass himself as an intersex person in intersex groups and has been trying to pass himself off as being a special snowflake. He claims to have every type of intersex medical condition under the sun. Zoe even claims to believe that intersex is a subset of trans. He even one time tried to get Milton Diamond to believe his warped delusional mentality. Zoe has been known to harass and bully any intersex person that challenges Zoe Alan Brains reality.

That's why as a Biological born intersex person, Zoe Brain is a Fake and a Intersex wannabe. Zoe is pretending to be intersex because he hates being a transsexual and thinks he can pass himself off as an intersex person.

Here are links to a blog that outs Zoe Alan Brain as an intersex wannabe

Elizabeth said...


I know all about Zoe Alan Brain. I know the person that inadvertently suggested he might be intersex before she knew what a loon he was. Within 48 hours Zoe Alan Brain was intersex. Originally Zoe was 47XXY like the bee sting queen but needed to be different so 46XY was chosen.

Her claim of sudden feminization is so funny it would be funny if it was not so sad. I guess painting a toenail pink now counts as "sudden" feminization. If you have ever seen a picture of Zoe I defy you to point out the sudden feminization.

The claim of now being biologically female was just a little too much for and particularly since she made this claim on a University of Pittsburgh Op Editorial comment section.

She started all of the stories as a way to keep the wife happy. Zoe Brain should have her own Looney Tunes character.

Anonymous said...

Interesting that I've been holding back a post on how certain transsexuals claim to be intersex. He prompted me to post it. Being 47,XXY does not cause spontaneous transition. Those of us who were born transsexual should just fess up to it, including that we don't yet know why it happens.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, didn't mean just to advertise. The claim of sudden feminization is just bizarre. It's possible for a man to grow breasts (gynecomastia). It's possible for a man to have hormone imbalances. But it's not possible for a man spontaneously to become a woman. Growing breasts does not make a man into a woman. It just means he has moobs. When he starts growing a vagina and losing his penis spontaneously, then call me.

Nicky said...

Zoe has been a constant pain to intersex people because Zoe likes to make outlandish claims and has been on every intersex group online including a site called Bodies like ours forum. I have seen Zoe tried to prove his claim that intersex people are a subset of trans. He even thinks that he can be both intersex and trans. He even attacks people for challenging his claims including attacking me for challenging Zoe. Zoe is known to attack feminist, lesbian and women as well. I have seen Zoe try to pass himself as a biological woman and an intersex person to feminist, lesbian and women's group but people in their realize real fast that Zoe's story has so many holes that would rival Swiss cheese. They find out that Zoe Alan Brain is a middle aged transsexual pretending to be intersex.

What's interesting is that Zoe thinks, he's making a difference in the intersex community. Instead he's the laughing stock of the intersex community and no one within the intersex community doesn't take Zoe Brain seriously. Everyone in the intersex community knew that Zoe brain is a intersex wannabe and pretending to be an Intersex person. You can google Zoe Brain and see where Zoe post so much and so often. It amazes me for someone who claims to be a PH.D student, that he spends all his time online posting online.

What Zoe has done, he has done more damage to intersex people and the intersex community. Zoe has made so many claims that almost all of them can be debunked and disproven. Zoe likes to claim to speak for intersex people, but no intersex person or intersex group doesn't take or care what Zoe brain has to say.

Angel said...

46XY? Isn't that the karotype of a normal male, or am I mistaken?

Anonymous said...

Stop calling Zoe 'he'. She is female, she has a right to her identity. Your childish attack on one of the most kind hearted, honest and decent women around only proves your obvious personality disorder. Give it a rest.

Elizabeth said...


ROFLMAO. I did not mis-gender Zoe. Read the post you moron. I used he and his because at the time and in the context of the comment Zoe was a man and thus using he or his was gender correct.

Zoe is the single most delusional and irrational people on this planet. She is not a rocket scientist, intersex, biologically female, nor did she suddenly feminize when she was a he. How is them apples for starters?

She cannot change her birth certificate because she was born in Britain and has refused to get a divorce from the wife which was required under GRC so she lied about that.

Zoe is a delusional lying sack of shit and is neither kind hearted, nor honest nor a decent woman. Kind of like you June.

Anonymous said...

Nobody claiming a spontaneous mid-life sex change due to a previously-undiscovered intersex condition can possibly be honest. All the conditions that cause such spontaneous development will have symptoms occur at puberty, if they're going to.

There's nothing kind-hearted or decent about knowingly conflating different medical conditions, thus inhibiting accurate diagnosis and treatment of those who would actually need it, either. That's just cruel and evil.

-- A.R.

Anonymous said...

Why I have nothing but contempt for people like Zoe has to do with their constant lying to their wives and families. Once a liar always a liar, you can't trust a single thing those Tee-Gees say. Think about it, if they are going to lie with the person they sleep with and not bat en eye, they sure as hell will lie to anybody else in a heartbeat

To even place a grain of credibility in what they say is laughable.


Deena said...

I suspect that the Rockette Scientologist lusts for the Nubile Piece Prize.

Anonymous said...


There is no other co called condition that the medical profession takes seriously that exists because the patient says it does and all the patient has to do is change their clothes. They make hypochondriacs look positively level headed. Everyone blames Charles Prince for this mess but John Money is as big if not bigger a culprit. Gender Dysphoria should have been removed from the DSM as soon as Reimer was exposed as one of his frauds. Zoe Brain is a product the gullibility of people who should know better.


Anonymous said...

We can't trust what you say either. You must one of those deluded nut jobs who likes Zoe Alan brain and all his crackpot lies. So we can't trust what you say and I don't know who komododragon is, but after seeing this Nicky's info, I can surely say that he's more knowledgeable than you'll ever be. At least by reading what he says is true and has his facts straight. I have seen Nicky's info and can say that he is more intelligent that you will ever be. You are the most ignorant piece of trans the world has ever known and you and Zoe Alan brain are on the same level.

Unlike you, who likes to slander people and use your Cis-priviliage to character assassinate someone. It just shows how deluded and mentally unstable you are and quite frankly YKW, You and Zoe Alan brain fit in nicely in the looney bin. It just goes to show that you don't have the guts to stand up for yourself and show who you really are. Just like Nicky, who has the Guts to stand up to Crackpots like Zoe Alan Brain and call out his BULLSHIT.

For your information, Kallmann's syndrome is an intersex condition. It's fairly obvious that you are reading the very old and outdated information, that has been proven time and time again. It just hows how much you lack the basic biology and Genetic science. I'll bet you failed miserably in High school Biology and genetics class. It's fairly obvious that you are one of Zoe Alan Brains most deluded person ever. It also goes to show how stupid you really are

If you keep slandering this Nicky person, I'll make sure everyone knows that your friends with the lunatic Zoe Alan Brain. I'll sic my feminist friends after you.


Elizabeth said...


No threats on my blog please. Say what you want but do not threaten some action.

Anonymous said...

Signing yourself MGC does not hide the fact that you are in fact Nicky AKA Komododragon. You are fooling no-one Nicky.


Anonymous said...

You think I am this Nicky AKA Komododragon. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH. God you must be the most deluded individual I have ever met. Keep DREAMING. You Ain't fooling NO-ONE GST or ZAB


Anonymous said...


Stop bullying Nicky. We all know who you are.


Anonymous said...

I'm not bullying Nicky June or PP or whoever. I'm just pointing out that he's in no position to be critical of Zoe Brain. Both of them are frauds and liars. Nothing to chose between them.


Anonymous said...

Kailana, I don't believe anything Zoe Allen Brain says so that is where you are totally wrong.

Now if you choose to accept all that Nicky says that's up to you. As to what you think of me; I don't really care since you don't know anything about me except for the fact I've called out both Zoe and Nicky.

Now if you think I'm scared of you, dream on baby dream on.


Anonymous said...

Ok let's stop playing games. Nicky I know you are signing yourself Kailana, everyone knows you are signing yourself Kailana. So go find a clean diaper and shit in it! Or whatever it is you do to get your jollies. Frankly I am over your sort and your pathetic little games. I don't like Zoe Brain and I think even less of you. At least Zoe Brain is literate with his lies. Now go away.


Anonymous said...

well that just confirms it doesn't it? Kailana = Nicky! You're Not that bright are you? Just have a think about the post you just made. Freudian slip there I'm afraid.


Anonymous said...

Also, you can pretend to believe all you want, but the more you think I am Nicky, the more crazy you are. It just goes to show how mentally unstable you are. It sure looks like you are as crazy and nuts as Zoe Alan Brain. You think I am Nicky, is so laughable, that's it's so funny to Laugh at your sick, sad face. You are a joke.


Anonymous said...

dude got stung by a bee.

Anonymous said...

Please excuse my bad English. In my country most harm and damage to intersex persons was and still is done by pediatricians, pediatric surgeons, sexologists, psychologists and some other "professionals". Those people did and still do refer intersex children to genital mutilation or perform it. They told parents to lie to their children, and they themselves lied to parents, children and adult intersex persons. They continue to call some forms of intersex as just dsd but not real intersex, in order to continue their wrong and harmful practice. They discourage intersex persons standing up for human rights.

If you really want to know, what's the priority to do and whom to stop, then please read:

Anonymous said...

"Zoe lives in New South Wales in Australia in the city of Canberra"

... Canberra is not in NSW.

Zoe Brain said...

Kailana S. Alaniz said...

Ok that's annoying, as I am Kailana Sidrandi Alaniz, and most likely that is Nicky, by the way I don't flame people without them deserving it. At this point that's only been one person and as a reminder to all I don't write like that Nicky.

Kailana S. Alaniz said...

Oops sorry I also never post anonymously.