Friday, November 18, 2011

A Sandeen Public Service Announcement for the Trans Community

First I need to thank Not Your Friend for bringing this to my attention but that aside Trans people need to understand where they stand under the law based on their actions.

I've got coffee; and I'm not afraid to use it 

is a link to the latest Autumn Sandeen post on San Diego LGBT Weekly.

No one has ever accused Autumn Sandeen of being the brightest light bulb in the string but that post took the cake. In this post Sandeen makes a mockery of someone I hold in high esteem. It is not the first time Sandeen has referenced Martin Luther King and Sandeen's pathetic attempt to equate her actions as a violation of a Martin Luther King belief and the attempt to link herself to him, somehow, is even beyond Sandeen's normal self aggrandizing belief that she has standards.  If Sandeen does have standards they are at the level of a snake's belly since her main aim in life is perpetrating the belief she is important. Sandeen is actually more like a pimple on the ass of all transsexuals and it would be nice if someone popped that pimple but then Sandeen would still be "transgender forever" which are Sandeen's words since in reality all transsexuals know Sandeen was never anything but marginally transsexual but that is not the focus of this post.

The focus of this post is regardless of your situation in the trans community do not be as big of a dummy as Sandeen was by admitting in writing that you committed multiple crimes under California Law.

First things first. It is not a crime to use racial or trans pejoratives since that is covered under the !st Amendment to Constitution as free speech. Being a foul mouthed racist or transphobic idiot is not illegal just dumb.

First Violation. It is assault to throw any fluid, including water or coffee, in anyone's face in the State of California.

Violation. It is a felony under California law to throw ANYTHING at a moving vehicle so throwing her coffee at a car violated the law and even if the car driver committed a moving violation under California Law it is a  misdemeanor.

Autumn should be careful because despite her self professed belief she is a woman the Sand Diego Police will put her in the male holding cell if she is arrested. If those neanderthals recognized her as male the Police will also and that would be a rather unpleasant situation for even Sandeen.

I think any trans person needs to understand where they stand with the Law and allowing some neanderthal to anger you enough verbally to commit an assault or a felony is just plain stupid.

Autumn's stupidity is beyond comprehension. If either person came forward now and went to the police poor Autumn has admitted her guilt in writing in a public forum. Even worse could have happened. Since the neanderthal was assaulted he could have physically retaliated and assaulted Sandeen. I wonder if subconsciously that was not Sandeen's actual intent.

Can you imagine how proud Sandeen would be if Sandeen had been assaulted because Sandeen was trans. Good lord that would be worth multiple posts and tons of "street cred" in the Professional Trans brigade. I get this feeling Sandeen has always wanted to be a martyr and this was Sandeen's chance. Then again maybe she scared the crap out of this neanderthal with Sandeen's brazen act of courage.

Either way no trans person should ever be stupid enough to physically retaliate for words.  In that respect Sandeen has given us a clear example of how not to respond to words whether one feels "justified" or that the individual "deserved" to be drowned in coffee saturated with Sandeen's oral germs which is why it may actually be a felony and not simple assault in California.

I was shocked when Sandeen used the "pass" word since I obviously was mistaken in my belief that "pass" was something only us "old timers" considered important and was a rule or concept that should be discouraged because it is not required to either look like a woman, act like a woman, or physically to have one's sex characteristics corrected to be a woman. It is a big part of the "transgender forever" mantra Sandeen lives her life by along with her "Trans and Proud" lifestyle.

Sandeen gave into her base male instincts for physical retaliation when Sandeen should have simply followed the Sandeen mantra and calmly said "I am Trans and Proud and Transgender Forever" and kept on walking. It does make me wonder if Sandeen actually believes her own bullshit in so many ways. Sandeen actually wanted to "pass" and was hurt because the neanderthal  recognized Sandeen as a man in a dress which hurt Sandeen's self esteem. Funny how that works for even some of the "Trans and Proud" crowd.

I guess Sandeen wants everyone to realize that weaponizing your coffee and assaulting a neanderthal and a car with it is not justified even if one is "justified" and the perpetrator "deserved" it. Somehow that does not equate to anything King believed in unless one is as delusional as Autumn Sandeen.

Somehow I rather doubt this was the first, nor last, time Autumn has been picked out of a crowd.


Sheila said...

Reminds me of the time Monica Roberts blogged about her encounter with a group of young men. They were whistling and cheering until she got close enough for them to recognize her for what she is, and then they simply glared at her. Like Sandeen she was angry that they would react that way, but at least she didn't throw coffee at them.

Anonymous said...

Your commentary on the subject is spot on. If Sandeen had Hep C or HIV that would have been a felony.
I find it somewhat telling that when given a choice between writing about TDOR or herself Sandeen chose to write about herself.
I am also surprised to see the peace in the SD gay paper didn't get recycled over on PHB.

As I said over there Sandeen is frustrated at Sandeen's ability to defend herself. I think Sandeen does have a Martyr complex Sandeen does put herself in the way of danger for little or no reason. All one needs to do is follow Sandeen's activities on the net and her address will be easy enough to find.
Sandeen has posted pictures outside of her apartment with addresses in plain view. You don't have to dig deep or go out of your way all of Sandeen's movements are public. Who in their right mind would do that??

Whatever happens Sandeen has a mental health history and that will follow her around for the rest of her life since she has made it public along with so much more.

The high degree of self centeredness and the martyr complex go hand in hand.

You just can't make this crap up.

Anonymous said...

It's a good thing she's decaffeinated. Imagine what she'd do on stimulants!

A said...

I often wonder if people think about the profound conclusions that one can draw from one's own existence and the fact that it will end.

The fact is that it is logically inescapable to recognize that nothing has any real meaning to it other than what we assign it. Nothing matters. We're just macro-molecular machines who have randomly developed consciousness. Well you might argue that evolutionary forces are at work over here, but that isn't particularly true. It might be true for a very narrow set of criteria, but there simply are no guarantees. No model to predict what would have happened if an asteroid had hit africa at the dawn of the human species. Who knows? Maybe the dinosaurs represent another local maxima and if it hadn't been for a chain of events, random chance, then the Earth might as well have been covered with their descendants.

If you sit down and walk down this path, then sooner or later you realize that given the transient nature of our existence, the only meaning we can hang on to is what we find in one another. To quote Sagan, "for small creatures such as we the vastness is bearable only through love"

Through another accident all of us seem to focus more on the anger we feel for others, but if you remember that we assign meaning to our lives through one another, then you realise that's the perfect recipe for hell. Our cognitive predisposition towards anger is hell in our heads, so maybe we should try to realise our flaws and approach things a little bit differently. Maybe then we won't be throwing things at one another for the duration of our species existence.

I hope for Autumn that she sits down and wanders along this path someday.

Anonymous said...

I am not so convinced that our existence ends with the death of our bodies.
I have read a lot of Sagan and I have found him to be headblind he suffers from an inability to perceive the quantum nature of conscientious. He doesn't feel the connection or maybe has never been born with the connection most of us have with nature our fellow man and the collective concessions known as god.
It's as the kind of loss that a deaf person who has been deaf since birth will never know the sound of a spring predawn morning or the passion in her partner's voice when he says " I love you". Sagan is missing out on 1 sixth of life. I'm not going to speculate if Sandeen has this awareness about here I can only go by what Sandeen tweets and how Sandeen speaks mockingly of religion and appears to go to church only for social contacts and networking now for enjoying in the fellowship as one of many who feels the existence of her maker.

I believe that the importance of what we do in the moment does carry on into the future even far into the future and transcends our life. Yelling on the phone at the person who works for the doctor's office that over billed you has ripples that travel forward in time. The love you give to a stray cat along the road on your way to the corner store even has ripples that go far into the future. Expressing your own powerlessness by throwing a cup of coffee at someone just because you still look like a man carries with it a massive amount of force into the future because you are crewel world you rail against. You are everything your oppressor is. You are the rapist as you exercise your power over that person who sees nothing wrong with pointing out that you look like some half man half woman creature. Now that you have stained his cloths he is going to go home and take it out on his wife or girlfriend or kids any of which can be scarred for life because you made your day by pissing on that person.

In my mind we are all one and we must do unto others as we would have them do unto us.

This will come back on you Autumn make no mistake of that, you are how you treat others.

Deena said...

Autumn is my favorite caricature. She has now reacted with righteous indignation when someone voiced their assessment that she is a "thing". Doesn't Autumn accept that the person who voiced that is a real human being entitled to have and hold their own opinions? It seems ludicrous to stand for human rights and then want to simultaneously deny someone their right to an opinion. That was not hate speech but rather a sincere expression of the person's opinion of Autumn. Would Autumn have preferred he lie and say "oh gosh you are beautiful"? Coffee at 3 paces because the boy was honestly communicating his assessment? I suspect the hostility that welled up in Autumn Sandeen's mind was entirely due to a suppressed self perception that agrees with the words he gave voice to. Yes the boy was rude but he was not dishonest.

A said...


>>> I am not so convinced that our existence ends with the death of our bodies.

I have read a lot of Sagan and I have found him to be headblind he suffers from an inability to perceive the quantum nature of conscientious. He doesn't feel the connection or maybe has never been born with the connection most of us have with nature our fellow man and the collective concessions known as god.

It's as the kind of loss that a deaf person who has been deaf since birth will never know the sound of a spring predawn morning or the passion in her partner's voice when he says " I love you". Sagan is missing out on 1 sixth of life. I'm not going to speculate if Sandeen has this awareness about here I can only go by what Sandeen tweets and how Sandeen speaks mockingly of religion and appears to go to church only for social contacts and networking now for enjoying in the fellowship as one of many who feels the existence of her maker.<<<

I don't know. I really don't know.

I don't intend to judge your cherished beliefs in any way and even though I would love to make such a huge leap, but I just can't let myself do that. I hope that the following comment doesn't tread on anything.

I'm really biased towards Sagan (and Feynman. I tend to go crazy over guys like Feynman). Reading his work in my early teens was just liberating. I didn't truly understand a lot of what he said, I still haven't truly grokked them 6 years later, but his writing really resonated with me. Maybe it was my rebellious streak (he is the complete antithesis of my biological parents. They are racist, religious to the point of fanaticism, nationalistic, and so on) but something in his books really stuck with me and they acted like a rule of thumb at every turning point of my life.

I really can't answer any of the big questions we all ask. There is such a huge difference between knowing the name of something and knowing something. I'm just too ignorant and I don't truly understand anything.

I'm sorry that I can't give you some deep answer that will make sense and will be The Truth, but what I can say is that it is extremely unlikely that something like this is the answer. There is no data, no experimentally verifiable hypothesis for proving the existence of any god.

I'm really sorry that there just isn't anything there and there's nothing I can do about it.

It just is what it is.

What we can do is have fun. :-)

>>> I believe that the importance of what we do in the moment does carry on into the future even far into the future and transcends our life. Yelling on the phone at the person who works for the doctor's office that over billed you has ripples that travel forward in time. The love you give to a stray cat along the road on your way to the corner store even has ripples that go far into the future. <<<

Yes, that's always an interesting way to look at it.

I try to make everyone happy no matter what because they are conscious, living beings and they don't deserve anything less.

Anonymous said...


I'm not offended you have every right to your belief system as I do.

Anne said...

And this TOTAL DE-RAIL has exactly WHAT to do with the fact that Sandeen takes offense at being read, and acts in a typically narcisstic, immature and libelous manner...?

Anonymous said...

It started out as Sandeen's total lack of perception of how her actions effect those around her.

Sorry for getting off track. :)

Anonymous said...

I can't figure out whether Sandeen is trying to do a mea culpa or if she's actually proud of her actions. She could have simply changed her behavior quietly. But I guess she likes to live her life in public, proudly showing off both her failings and her plans to fix them. Good luck with that.


A said...


>>> I'm not offended you have every right to your belief system as I do. <<<


Or the lack of a belief system.

For some reason this conversation reminded me of this awesome book called Harry Potter & The Methods of Rationality. You might like it.

If you want to read it then just download it by doing a right-click on this link and choose Save Link As. (don't open it directly PDF support in most browsers sucks)

Anne said...

and now.....Gay Jay is again being allowed to post his "wisdom" on TG Central.

How hypocritcally appropo.

Anonymous said...

We create the clowns and characters in life so we can laugh at ourselves. Autumn for all her peccadilloes is not different than all of us. Whom amongst you hasn’t acted out in anger at another--something that you might be ashamed of? So we really want to put someone down to make ourselves feel better. Autumn is perfect for us to place our own short comings and deficiencies on her, I mean wouldn’t she make a great cartoon character that flops about in life pathetically.

Look in the mirror at our own narcissism. Look at this blog--is this really about the real Elizabeth; Facebook, same with Twitter, MySpace, LinkedIn--its not about communication its about ego. I’m better than your or, funny enough, I’m a better victim than you.

I’m agnostic (a less militant atheist), and lets just face it the worship of perfection, ideological constructs, embodied in a deity (God, Buddha, Mohammed, Shiva, Greek or Celtic, etc.) is the death of reason; Who is right about the state of the dead and our actions some how having a cosmic effect in some afterlife?

Enter the Riddle of Epicurus:

Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent.
Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent.
Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil?
Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?

Belief in God is willful ignorance.

Autumn has the afterthought of recognizing her behavior in light of the individuals curt comment, and acknowledges it--correcting it, denying her ego--why tear her down? Painting the broad brush because you come to the conclusion she is ALWAYS like this is the same willful ignorance.


Anonymous said...


I wouldn't hold Sandeen to any standard that I myself live up to. I fight speech with speech, i am not so childish to throw something at someone who calls me names. Sticks and Stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me.

By the way every agnostic I have ever known is agnostic because they don't know if God exists or not?

The atheist religion is the denial of God.
Finally to acknowledge God is not the abandonment of reason it is the acceptance of another lifeforms and does not effect one's rationality.
But it seems you are the one with the issue not I. with that I shall leave you to your own belief system and move on.

A said...


>>> So we really want to put someone down to make ourselves feel better. Autumn is perfect for us to place our own short comings and deficiencies on her, I mean wouldn’t she make a great cartoon character that flops about in life pathetically. <<<

>>> Look in the mirror at our own narcissism <<<

Not to be pedantic (Oh yes, I'm going to be pedantic ;-) ) , but even though some parts of your comment are interesting, you seemed to have made the fundamental attribution error i.e. you've assumed that an observed behavior is characteristic of different people instead of a situational response. You've then extrapolated upon the basis of that assumption to make a series of conclusions.

Although I can't speak for anyone else, but I can attest that I wrote my comment because I needed something poignant to distract me. Since I don't have a boyfriend it was this lonely comment form on the internet. :-( I essentially saw the link, muttered 'WTF' and those words just popped into my head and I decided to write that comment, which was intended to be more introspective than reflective.

I'm not making excuses for my behavior. I stand by what I said as it wasn't meant to deride another human being, like I said human beings are important and they deserve a lot more than basic courtesy.

>>> I’m agnostic (a less militant atheist), and lets just face it the worship of perfection, ideological constructs, embodied in a deity (God, Buddha, Mohammed, Shiva, Greek or Celtic, etc.) is the death of reason; Who is right about the state of the dead and our actions some how having a cosmic effect in some afterlife?

Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent.
Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent.
Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil?
Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?

Belief in God is willful ignorance. <<<

You might label me as a Dawkin-sian atheist. But, this is the crucial but, I don't have the right to pass judgment upon anyone for their beliefs. Neither do you.

Look at it this way, we all carry a backup with us as on the journey called life and we tend to accumulate things in it over time. Trinkets that we've come to treasure. Cherished possessions that have helped us to survive the journey so far.

The farther we along we are in our journey the heavier our bag gets. It restrains us. The straps cut against our shoulders, but we can't let go. We can't bear to part, because the treasures in that bag. in so many ways, have defined us and become a part of us.

No matter how it restricts us, it is now a part of us. There's a price we pay for it, but given the security we receive from it. Is the trade off that bad? At the end we all make the same decision in one way or another. We have to fill that bag. We only differ in what we fill it with.

How can you judge anyone's bag or identity? Not only is that a waste of time, but it hurts the other person as well.

So no I don't think that someone theistic is automagically dumb and ignorant. They just cherish a different thing and that's okay.

Take a look at death. Some of my friends are ardent promoters of the Aubrey de Gray and the direction of research summarized by Daniel Kraft in this talk (that's only about stem cells, but still). Others are fatalistic about death and have written long thesis on why we're going to die.

What right do I have to tell either group of my friends about what's The Truth in my opinion? They have every right to believe what they want to believe. I may vehemently oppose them, but I will support their right to do so. (yes I'm an intellectual cheap scape who rips off Voltaire)

Anonymous said...

oh what utter drivel!

Sandeen is a narcistic, know all, busy body that has absolutly no problem telling others how to live and what to think. She will censor you in a heartbeat if what you say holds any contradiction to what she believes. On the other hand, what she believes can change like the weather, depending on how it reflects on her personally.

She will say one thing, profess one thing, quote luther king or a half dozen others to make a point, and in the next breath compleatly do the opposite when it suits her.

She will lie and decieve to get what she wants, walk over your rights when and if it suits her, and compleatly misrepresent who or what she is to professionals and officials alike, if that will gain her any cred.

Save the bleeding hearts for someone that might deserve it, sandeen doesn't.

Anne said...

yawn.....this is becoming borringly reminiscent of Dyssonant De-Rail.

We ALL make judgements. Good and Bad. That is what differentiate us as individuals. Belief systems are just that, "systems" that we se to navigate our lives.

Different strokes for different folks. That Sandeen chooses to make is "tranniness" his reason d'etre, who he is, how he relates to the world is his personal system/method of life navigation.

That is who he is...who he chooses to be. This is his right and he has a constitional right to do pretty much anything he wants EXCEPT violate any laws...just like the rest of us.

Concurrent with those rights comes the personal responsibility for those choices made and the exercise of those rights.

Laughing at fools is NOT against the law. It nis NO a crime. Calling a spade a spade is a constitutionally guaranteed right called freedom of speech. Assault, even with cold cup of coffee IS A CRIME.

Anonymous said...

It looks like calling a spade a spade has caused my primary IP address banned, not to worry I have more.

I guess the truth hurts poor Mr Sandeen and his homosexual friends.

Anonymous said...

Having read Mr Sandeen's contribution to the literary trashcan that is LGBT Times I have a couple of comments. First off Sandeen's claim that he "passes" demonstrates that at best he's deluded. The fact that no-one says anythung would seem to be all the proof he needs that he's "passed" He hasn't and he doesn't. Certainly not in any of the videos or pictures I've seen anyway. If Sandeen wishes to hold to high moral standards then admission that he fails the "pass" test is the first issue he must address.

In everything I have ever read written by Sandeen is an underlying attempt to elevate himself to higher planes than either is intellect or behaviour deserves and this particular act of assault on an individual who exposed Sandeen to the truth is very typical of his behaviour around the blogs. Assault whether it be physical or verbal is still assault and is indicative of the true nature of the man.To say he holds high ideals while still verbally attempting to silence opponents with threats as well as acts of exposing them (three recent cases spring to mind. Just Jennifers Church, Ashley Love, and Susan Taylor) are testement to Sandeen's true morality. It is this behavour that places him in my trash bin and not his sexuality his opinions or surgical aspirations or lack thereof.