Friday, August 19, 2011

Sandeen had her orchiectomy and is now a woman?

Well all is good in the world of our transgender prince or is it princess Autumn Sandeen. She had her castration, oops orchiectomy , done by one Dr. Nguyen which according to Sandeen is very brave on hir part which I will actually agree with her on.

"I know a lot of gay and straight men who would shudder at the thought of having their testicles's a cringe worthy moment. But that's a difference between genital surgery for transsexual women and genital surgery for gay and straight men (such as losing one or both testicles due to testicular cancer). Transsexual women feel no sense of loss at having their genitalia reshaped, and most often feel joy, a sense of relief, and/or no significant emotional response at the loss of one's testicles and/or the inversion of the penis to create a vagina."
Of course the part Sandeen misses continually is the simple fact no gay or straight man would ever consider getting their balls cut off willingly unless they were insane which Sandeen sort of admits to or claims to be although I thought being bi-polar was a condition that could be controlled. Your genitalia were not reshaped Autumn they were kind of trimmed and it in no way qualifies as GRS unless you openly LIE to the State of California on your petition which I assume you have no problem doing.

Do you notice the another important message in this entire farce? I bet you will all miss it but I will clue you in again. Autumn does not mention the term transgender at any time in the article and refers to herself as a transsexual and considers getting her balls cut off "Gender Affirmation Surgery". Funny thing about that orchiectomy.  In the old days it was the first step before SRS or Sex Reassignment Surgery which is actually what facilitates or more accurately is  what Sandeen is implying she had. Actually I do agree that Autumn has Gender Reassignment Surgery" as in the acronym which is GAS.

Is it not convenient that Sandeen deems herself transsexual in order to get her birth sex changed when she is transgender forever. I wonder if the lesbians in the L part of GLBT will now accept her as one of them cause she got her balls removed. I bet they will all jump to her side telling her "now you are a woman" and welcome to the club. Well maybe not cause lesbians do have this thing about girls with dicks or men pretending to be lesbians as they like to call it.

Autumn has enough gas for everyone and if ever an acronym fit a scenario this one does. It takes a lot of balls, oops GAS, to claim getting your balls cut off makes you a female as Autumn says later in the article.

"Where I'm beginning to feel some emotion is at the reality that in my birth state of California, I'll now be able to petition the courts to change my legal sex, and once the petition is granted be able to change my name and sex marker on my birth certificate. Per the state of California records, I'll be a female-born-female. That is an wondrous, amazing, and welcome outcome I'm really, really looking forward to.

So the short term "ow" is for long term benefit on so many levels, the most important benefit in my mind being the soon government recognition that my female gender identity is my sex...that I'm a woman. That gets a 'Yay!" from me."

No Autumn Sandeen you are not a woman.  You are still just a rather sick penis packing no balls whatever in a dress but thankfully not wearing those silly berets any longer. Transsexual women or Women Born Transsexual do not willingly keep their penis and claim their insanity makes taking care of a penis easier than taking care of a new vagina. Please read an earlier article where Sandeen claimed that as an excuse for not having surgery.

Here is the link to what-genital-reconstruction-surgery-and-when.

Here is the link to the full article or  I got my balls cut off so I am now legally female.

Now many of you will read this and see it as nasty and an attack on Sandeen and in many ways you are correct.  What it really is is an attack on the lunacy of this kumbaya where I as a Woman who was once transsexual am required to accept this as just another form of transsexualism and accept this clown as one of us. Well making oneself a eunuch without the intention of completing SRS is rather a foolish concept but there is something more insidious behind this and everyone needs to be warned.

This is just another attempt to redefine what a woman is or more importantly what a Woman Born Transsexual is. Sandeen and the Transgender crowd will parade this imbecile around like she is a new hero with hir fraudulent California birth certificate which will eventually find its way into the hands of certain groups and used against us. They will see this fool as a representative of what is transsexual and it will scare the shit out of them.

I would hope that anyone that lives in California would write to the State of California and ask if this is what they intended with the legal changes made there.  I cannot believe it was. What was intended for post-operative transsexuals to ease their burden and give them some freedom from accusation will now mean NOTHING because they will all ask "well we know you can still have a penis" and get your birth certificate changed.

Welcome to the new transgender forever world where one will have to drop their linen and keep on grinning to prove they are women. Welcome to the new world of Women Born Transsexual. It is enough to make one puke.


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Unknown said...

A transphobic transsexual? I wish I could say I'm surprised.

How about you worry about your own body and identity and quit trying to squeeze other people into boxes indistinguishable from the ones which restrained you?

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