Saturday, June 30, 2012

Nasty Times!!!

One of the first things a woman learns when making her way through the corporate world over 40 plus years is simple. Men are correct and women are incorrect unless the idea put forth by the woman is good enough to steal and then they steal it and make the claim it was their idea. If the woman says anything she is buried or let go. Now this can also happen with men but it is easier to manipulate women than their fellow men.

This does not happen everywhere but in general men are predators and their predatory nature is apparent in the way they treat women and anyone they see as inferior or easy to intimidate. Almost all serial killers are men. Men rape women. Women rarely rape men. Almost all pedophiles are men. Men commit most of the violent crimes. If a woman is being beaten and abused by a husband or boyfriend and fights back and kills him how often is her defense accepted as legitimate? Not as often as it should be in all too many cases.

Even when men are caught in an act of violence against a woman they will often make the woman the problem.  How many rape victims have been told it was their fault because they dressed a certain way or really said yes when they meant no. I was the victim of rape at 14 and even though I remember little of it the one memory I have is how helpless I felt. Certain types of men like that feeling of power over women.

Thankfully most men are NOT like this. There is another kind of man that exists and they are in many ways similar to some of the fools mentioned above but they take it one step further. They are the transvestites and crossdressers that make up a very large part of the transgender movement. One can follow a large number of them on T-Central aka Transvestite-Central. Read the blogs, look at the pictures, and follow their lives. They whine about the wife not understanding them. They are heterosexual men, mostly, yet they know everything there is to know about being a female or a women.  They slowly morph from transvestite to transgender and they need their rights as "trans" women.

The simple fact that physically they are not women and will in general never be accepted as women is lost on them. They talk about transfeminism despite the fact many of them were misogynistic men. They do not and never will understand that their attempts at femulation are in general gross caricatures of the female form but they demand to be accepted as women and demand we accept them as women and demand we use female pronouns when they are en femme.

They are a therapist's and a Psychiatrist's wet dream and they are more than likely their own wet dream. They are the cash cows of the gender business because they are fetish transvestites. They force the wife into therapy with them not realizing it is essentially blackmail since many of the wives are mothers and the protection of their children comes first. They will cry and complain because the wife does not understand them and why should she?

They evolve into the "trans" community and soon they need to transition.  It might be in their early 60's like one certain Condo owner who is suddenly on hormones and knows all there is to know about being female, a woman, and of course all things transgender. If these fools decide to transition at work they demand the right to keep their job based on a set of laws they want to pass that protects their jobs and positions they earned as men and not as women. If they were asked to earn the same 77 cents on the dollar women earn because they are in "theory" presenting as women they would scream prejudice despite the fact they more than likely stepped on and over multiple women to get where they are.

They see nothing inherently odd about staying at the old job because despite the dress they are still men at heart. They demand to be accepted and of course all the women just love them and accept them as their new BFF "girlfriend". Saturday Night Live puts on a parody based on just this scenario that is spot on and riotously funny and they are offended and outraged because it strikes home and deep down they know it is true because the simple truth about humor is if you cannot laugh about it when the joke is on you then they understand it is the truth and that is truly how stupid they really look.

They are outraged because they might be denied access to the Ladies Room or god forbid not be allowed to change with their "fellow" girls in the ladies public changing area because despite the penis they are women because they say they are. Since they are in reality heterosexual men they are of course now lesbians with a penis and must be accepted as such. You can tell how truly out of touch with reality they are when they back a notorious she-male porn star from Canada that thinks he has the right to be a lesbian have sex with other lesbians just because he and they claim they are lesbian feminists despite the penis.

These transfools come up with unique names for their pricks.  One calls it a 7 inch "neoclit" and claims all the straight men she dates love her 7 inch "neoclit".  I would try to explain to her that if they like the prick they are not straight but this delusion escapes them. We would attempt to call them tranny chasers but "tranny" is now a pejorative and "transsexual" will be a pejorative if they have their way.

They are men and all too many are physically strong like most men and of course put down all of us that are worried about any man with a penis infringing on female only areas.  They cannot understand that most women are comfortable with other women but mistrust men when it comes to our private areas. Yes some of it is fear of attack and the simple truth is if one single attack comes as a result of these insane laws then it is one attack too many.  They do not see that as a problem because they are men and want what they want.

Bathrooms may or may not take care of themselves for those not post SRS but if you pass it is not an issue.  If passing is an issue it is not my problem it is your problem so fix it but do not expect me to grin and bear it when some 6-4 inch 250 pound bruiser walks into the Ladies Room in his 5 inch spikes and mini-skirt up to his ass. Being your typical males they think any problem they have is instantly a problem women should address.

Look at these transfools. They want job protection but before they decided to be Nadine did any of them fight for the women that have walked this path their entire lives and been paid far less than them? I defy anyone to show me one of them that has fought for women BEFORE they decided to transition.  They want all the "special" rights they had as men and now they expect us to give them new "special" rights as "transwomen". Having the same rights as a woman because in theory they claim they are women is not enough for them. They need special human rights because as any woman knows men want what they want and will step on and over women to get what they want.

The real irony in all of this is that only those of us that simply went off and lived and worked and thrived as women without telling the world about our past are truly the only ones that understand what it truly means to be female and a girl and then a woman. Some of us did it early like me.  Some of us did it a little later and some have done it quite late in life but we all had. I know people in their teens, 20's. 30's, 40's, and 50's that have simply done it and started a new life as a woman with the excuses these transfools want.  It was not easy for me and it was not easy for them on a daily basis but the decision to just be what they truly should have been trumped the need to lean on having been born transsexual.

This is something the transgendered will never understand.  They cannot see the insanity in what they have brought on many others because they are men. They cannot see the insanity in changing a law such that someone can change the M on the birth certificate to an F while maintaining a useful penis. In essence it is men redefining what a female is just so their fantasy lives on. They cannot understand how insulting this is to women because they look at it from a male perspective. It is an insidious form of misogyny but they will never see it as such because in their world gender, cloths, and a functioning penis are important and women's rights are trumped by their needs.

Now all of the above is just my personal opinion which allows me to vent a little about the insanity I witness daily. I certainly wish no harm on anyone and that includes those whose opinions I disagree with.  One of the great things about democracy is freedom of speech and that goes for those I disagree with.  It is up to others to determine whose opinion they favor and whose opinion they disagree with.

In general I allow every comment through as long as the content is not overtly obscene or too derogatory in nature. I prefer to deal with facts and the truth as I see it which may or may not be as accurate as I wish sometimes.  I would like comments to be relevant to the subject of the post but certain commenters like June Hingle and BlackSwan prefer to divert the commentary. Things have gotten really nasty with BlackSwan lately which is unfortunate but then that is who and what BlackSwan is.

BlackSwan threatened someone I know casually in a comment she made on my previous post.  It was a particularly nasty thing that she said as she basically implied that CassandraSpeaks knew to keep her mouth shut and not contradict or confront BlackSwan on anything she comments on because she, BlackSwan, knows who CassandraSpeaks is, who her husband is and where she lives. I believe this to be true because I believe the two of them have met once. I must wonder how any other people that have met this predatory asshole must think.  Are they afraid to speak up? Is this not extortion and an attempt to prevent a dialog even if it is contentious?

The Transgender Borg followers like BlackSwan believe they have the right to either shout down or intimidate dissenters into being quiet or even to stop involvement because they believe they are the only ones that have a right to their opinions. BlackSwan made that quite clear in her comment on my previous blog post and others have managed to intimidate several blogs into shutting down.

I admit to a personal weakness.  If someone attempts to hurt me or a friend, I will hurt them back worse if I can. It is an unfortunate result of being of Welsh, Irish, and Scotch heritage. We have a tendency to get even and not forget past transgressions although I am much better at letting go of past transgressions.

Later on in the comment mentioned above BlackSwan threatened me in a similar manner and in her own way inferred I should shut-up or she, BlackSwan, would let everyone know who I am because she was some kind of an investigator in a former life and can find anyone.  I do not have to do a single thing to know who BlackSwan is. I already know and be warned BlackSwan if you harm anyone that I know or attempt to intimidate anyone and I mean anyone I will bury you. If anyone clicks on your supermodel name or your Dominatrix moniker the first link in Google will be a full detailing of who you are.

How many of your friends would ever trust you if they knew you would use the knowledge of who they are to intimidate them? How could anyone in good conscience associate with you? How could they ever let you near anyone that wants to go stealth or to lead a quiet life? They could not.

The problem you have attempting to intimidate me is I really have nothing to lose. I'll be 67 late this year and I am a widow and none of my friends read blogs nor do they perform internet searches about me. I live a quiet life that you cannot hurt which takes any of your perceived power over me and makes it worthless.

Now you just do what you think you have to do but there are consequences for predatory assholes like you. There is a axiom in literary circles that fits an asshole like you and several other assholes lurking around the internet. Godwin's Law basically says the first person to use Nazi in an argument loses the debate. It holds true for other  words such as racist, christo-nazi, homophobic, and now transphobic because all are clear signs the individual(s) using them in the debate are losing the debate and when commenting on a blog one is involved in a debate in many cases.

I really think you should out me and as I told you I will post your comment with any name you find and will simply say yes or no if it is me. One other thing BlackSwan. If one of your other friends or for that matter anyone outs me or any friend I will bury you.

You are welcome to comment but you are on "Double secret probation". Keep to the topic or just stay away.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

What is "transfeminism"? No feminism without transfeminism?

Feminism is a collection of movements aimed at defining, establishing, and defending equal political, economic, and social rights for women. In addition, feminism seeks to establish equal opportunities for women in education and employment. A feminist is a "person whose beliefs and behavior are based on feminism."

That is from Wikipedia by the way. I am puzzled by the use of the term "transfeminism".  Isn't feminism good enough for the transgender crowd?  The primary claim among transfeminists is that "biology" is not destiny which has been a basic tenet of feminism.  the belief is that women should not be limited because they were born female. The transfeminist moment believes that because one is born male it does not mean one is not a female/woman which I believe is true.

The problem I see is simple. Why are the trans activists trying to force the term transfeminist to be accepted by feminists. I would normally say since one has had SRS then it is a mute point since you are a female or woman and feminist ideals would seem to work fine. It kind of goes along with my belief that all I needed in life was to be accepted as a woman and I would take my chances being what I always believed I was. Give me the rights women have and I was happy.

There is a radical wing of the feminist word that is radical and is headed by Bug Brennan and her ilk.  If she had her way those of us born transsexual will never be women.  The majority of feminists do not believe that.  There is a radical wing in the transgender lesbians world that believe because they claim they are female and women, even with a penis, that being denied access to other lesbian feminists as equals is transphobic. In other words denying a trans lesbian with a penis sex with a lesbian feminist is transphobic. I am not seeing the transgender lesbian feminist logic behind that one because last time I checked I actually thought one had to have female sex characteristics to be a lesbian. Wow, I bet that has a little bit to do with the radfem lesbian dislike of the transgender crowd. Seems to me that after SRS the biology is as close as we can get and should be good enough.

The weird thing is if you have had SRS how the heck are any of the radfem lesbians going to know you are not female unless you tell them you were born male or wear your "Trans Forever" T-shirt to the party.  One does have to love that transgender need to be special. You know what I mean.  The need for special laws and special rights so the men can transition at work and keep that nice high paying job they got from some hard working woman because they were men and had a family to take care of. I heard that one many times over my 40+ years in business. Men needed to be protected from those vicious women in ladies spaces that at 5-6 and 130 pounds will physically assault the 6-2 185 man in a dress or lord forbid ask them what they are doing in women's spaces. We women need to know our place and our place is to support our man when he dresses up to live out his fantasy. How dare us protest and destroy some man's fantasy.

Then of course immediately after they have been wearing a dress off and on for a while they are feminists and understand everything we women have gone through in life. They have been paid less than 70 cents on the dollar for the same work; they have been denied promotions because no woman could do that job; they have been denied access to the all boys business club; they have been denied access to the men's private country club unless married to a member and then they are restricted. Oh wait a second they would have actually had to have worked as a woman for that to happen.  Scratch that cause only we women face that.

Now the transgender crowd has a new mantra and it is decidedly misogynistic. Their new cry is there can be no feminism without transfeminism which means they are linking transfeminism and feminism just like they have under the covers linked transsexual and transgender. The primary aim is to use feminism to protect men as they play girl or actually play girl full time. They want to equate themselves with the females that are the core of feminism whether they have had SRS or not. In essence they are demanding that females that are feminists accept men in dresses as equals to them as females and women.

The primary pushers of this concept is the lesbian faction of the transgender crowd some of whom have had SRS but many who have not. It is simply another example of men telling women what our place is in the world and we are to accept it whether we like it or not. It is the same misogynistic view that they had when they were men and it is no different now that they are surgically corrected or still packing.

Feminism is a set of core beliefs and if the transfeminist movement cannot live withing those core beliefs then they should just go back to being what they really are which is men. There is nothing that is more misogynistic that telling women they have to redefine feminism and accept the tenets of the transfeminist or there is no feminism. In other words if the boys cannot play girl and have feminism redefine itself to fit them in, then feminism cannot exist. How manly of them.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

What is a Transwoman?

First we need a definition of trans.

Trans is a Latin noun or prefix, meaning "across", "beyond" or "on the opposite side". It can also mean "through".

Thus a transwoman is "on the opposite side of woman", or "across" from a woman or "beyond" a woman. That is why the term transsexual made sense, The individuals born transsexual are on the opposite side of their birth sex or across the sex boundary.  The beyond part does not fit actually.

I have actually asked some of the nimrods in the Transgender Borg what they mean by "transwoman" but they, BlackSwan in particular, have ignored the question because personally I believe even some of those idiots realize how fucking stupid the term is.  In point of fact, they are using trams incorrectly.  Why is that one might ask? Could it be because they are just a bunch of dumb shits? Strong possibility that is true for many of them. Could it be they are illiterate? That could be true for some of them for sure.

The real question is do some actually know what it really means and have the let the cool-aid drinking nimrods and dumb shits that follow them down the rocky road while laughing all the way.  I am actually betting on this one because the actual meaning of "transwoman" is "man" because the opposite of woman is man.

So based on its very definition transwoman accurately describes the majority of the transgender crowd which is men. Those of us that had the misfortune to born transsexual and get over it would like to thank the Transgender Borg for at least admitting that their transwomen are really just men in a dress.

So if the Transgender Borg wanted the correct term for transgender woman they could correctly identify the gender so "transman" would correctly identify a MTF trans person or one that wants to pretend to be a woman or i some cases become a woman but keep their male outlook on life.

So if someone uses transwoman I guess I am using the proper pronoun if I use he, him, or his. It is apparent that anyone that uses the term transwoman for themselves wants to differentiate themselves from the people that consider themselves women and for that we thank them.  It is always convenient to know who the frauds are or even the penis packers.

Personally I just remember being told by Harry that you are just a girl now in the Hospital after SRS.

The same analogy can be applied to "transgender woman" and "transsexual woman" since if they are trying to describe a woman technically they both imply a woman wanting to be or appear as a man. It was why we always used MTF or the guys FTM transsexual but then what did we know back in the old days? We just figured you were a girl or a boy or male or female or man or woman after it was over.  None of us ever thought about labeling ourselves so we could define a new type of male or female.  It just made no sense but then a lot of the Transgender bullshit makes no sense.

What is next for these nimrods. Are they going to demand woman define themselves as cis-women and men cis-men? I mean isn't that the fair thing so they can define the "type" of male or female everyone is? Maybe we should require the label straight, lesbian or bisexual so we can have people known as cis-straight-woman.  Problem with that is "trans" is still incorrect in its usage but since when has that bothered the transgender as they have deliberately let the mainstream believe transgender and transsexual mean the same.

I guess they could use lesbian-trans-man to be accurate and indicate they are a lesbian transgender male pretending to be a woman. Maybe they could replace trans with "tranny" since that fits a little better since they obviously want to identify as "transgender" of some kind. They want to be a "special" kind of woman or man is all I can think of. That is funny but then they do not want to actually be women and have to make it in life as a woman because that would actually require giving up their male privilege.

Just goes to show you can dress the man like a woman but you cannot take the maleness from a man. The penis rules in their world.